Flight distance : 1435141 ft
United Kingdom
Hi ArticPhoto.
This DJI forum and other forums are inundated with Android smartphones and tablets not connecting, and this has been ongoing issue with DJI and Android users (and some Apple as well) for nearly a decade.
DJI is just not willing to create an app that works with their "older" drones and cheaper Android phones and tablets, and I understand why. This is their compatibility list, which doesn't include third-party app. ... ;paperDocType=paper
I've been using my old iPhone 6sPlus but the battery started to go, and that's when I found this fradulent company on the Google Play Store selling an app (
Knowing DJI apps are only accesible through the DJI website, I decided to spend the £37 to buy the app becuase it worked so well. Bright crisp display, no drop-outs during flight, just perfect! No viruses, scraping, rooting, etc. by the app either (I use Malwabytes). Just a clean well-written app developed buy a smart developer posing as DJI.
But if companies like this fraudster, Litchi, and other companies can create apps for the Android, then so could DJI.
I've already gone to a plan B, which is to use my older Mini iPad for now. The screen is not nearly as bright as the fraudster's app, but it'll work until I upgrade in 3-5 years from now.
Cheers! |