DJI Wanda
djiuser_zMKb5czmHBoc Posted at 11-21 12:33
Hi there. I was flying my Neo When it suddenly lost signal, connection and fell to the ground. My phone number is written all over the drone, and the next morning I got a call from a person who had found my drone. He said he had found it and it was pretty mangled up (I wonder if he was expecting me to say just keep it). Anyway, it's been a couple of days, he's not answering my telephone calls or responding to text. I think he may have changed his mind about returning the drone. Is there a way to block the drone at least temporarily? I think i if it didn't work at all, she might suddenly change his mind. I can obviously involve the police as I have his telephone number, but I thought this might be more expedient.
Hi, there
We absolutely understand how you feel.
To protect your data security and privacy interests, we will not and cannot position the aircraft in real time. Please first contact your local police.
If you need any help when reporting the case to the security authorities, please contact us at any time.
We will do our best to provide relevant assistance.
Also we recommend that you submit a flyaway case on your own without online waiting via this link:
If the drone is sent back for repair, we will contact you at the first time. |