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Can someone fly a stolen drone bound to an account
9401 19 2023-8-19
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United States

I have recently had my drone stolen with its controller can it be flown while bound to my account

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DJI Mindy

Hi there, we are sorry for your loss. You can contact our support team through the link below and report this issue and provide the exact model. Our team will help you further.
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 8-20 00:40
Hi there, we are sorry for your loss. You can contact our support team through the link below and report this issue and provide the exact model. Our team will help you further.

How would they help i sadly did not have dji care attached to my drone
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Tk4478 Posted at 8-20 06:47
How would they help i sadly did not have dji care attached to my drone

Thank you for your response. Not to worry, you can still contact our relevant team to report this issue, and they will record the stolen aircraft in the system. Our support team will contact you if we receive the product in the future. Please rest assured that DJI will reject offering a service if other customers send it back. I hope for your understanding and patience.
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United States

Yeah so after talking to your Staff account binding is absolute junk unless you want your device serviced,  you can stop my drone from flying in a no-fly zone but you can't stop someone from flying a stolen drone. all it takes is a new account and bam they can fly my stolen drone till the end of time without getting it repaired by DJI. Thank you DJI for dropping the ball on a antitheft feature!
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Tk4478 Posted at 8-20 11:20
Yeah so after talking to your Staff account binding is absolute junk unless you want your device serviced,  you can stop my drone from flying in a no-fly zone but you can't stop someone from flying a stolen drone. all it takes is a new account and bam they can fly my stolen drone till the end of time without getting it repaired by DJI. Thank you DJI for dropping the ball on a antitheft feature!

I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. I was able to find your flyaway case using your forum account. Since you already reported this aircraft, please rest assured that DJI will refuse to offer a service if other customers send it back. Thank you.
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DJI Mindy

Tk4478 Posted at 8-20 11:20
Yeah so after talking to your Staff account binding is absolute junk unless you want your device serviced,  you can stop my drone from flying in a no-fly zone but you can't stop someone from flying a stolen drone. all it takes is a new account and bam they can fly my stolen drone till the end of time without getting it repaired by DJI. Thank you DJI for dropping the ball on a antitheft feature!

We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience. Currently, DJI cannot perform remote locking for your missing aircraft. Thanks for your understanding.
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 8-20 17:37
We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience. Currently, DJI cannot perform remote locking for your missing aircraft. Thanks for your understanding.

Remote lock isnt needed just code in BOUND TO ACCOUNT so it WONT FLY under someone else's account
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DJI Mindy

Tk4478 Posted at 8-20 19:09
Remote lock isnt needed just code in BOUND TO ACCOUNT so it WONT FLY under someone else's account

We understand your feeling very well. We will forward your feedback to the corresponding team. Sorry again for the inconvenience caused. Thanks for your understanding.
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Flight distance : 36434 ft
  • >>>

I am trying to see in the support how to report my drone stolen but unable to get a direct link for the report
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Flight distance : 70531 ft

United States

djiuser_XdAikFP55ldm Posted at 2-14 07:07
I am trying to see in the support how to report my drone stolen but unable to get a direct link for the report

I believe you just contact DJI support.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

djiuser_XdAikFP55ldm Posted at 2-14 07:07
I am trying to see in the support how to report my drone stolen but unable to get a direct link for the report

Hi there, we are sorry for your loss. It is suggested you could contact with the local police to report
a case. Thanks.
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United Kingdom

any new info on this ? i have had my drone stolen and it is bound to my account can i do anything to get it back or track it if i log into my account
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

ukflyer76 Posted at 5-6 11:27
any new info on this ? i have had my drone stolen and it is bound to my account can i do anything to get it back or track it if i log into my account

Hello. We absolutely understand how you feel. To protect your data security and privacy interests, we will not and cannot position the aircraft in real time. Please first contact your local police. If you need any help when reporting the case to the security authorities, please contact us at any time. We will do our best to provide relevant assistance. Meanwhile, please provide the device's serial number to us so that we can contact you if the stolen drone is sent back for repair.
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United Kingdom

That’s not any help or an answer to my question but thanks
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DJI Susan

ukflyer76 Posted at 5-8 12:45
That’s not any help or an answer to my question but thanks

Hello.We regret that our reply was not helpful to you.We are glad we could assist you. If you have any more questions or need further help, feel free to ask.
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Marius Ratkus
United Kingdom

Mine was stolen in April, I report to to dji straight away,they said that they will contact me when someone will try to fly it. No news ever since..Its strange,cause such a smart gadget,but can't be locked to one account? Did you use words privacy etc? What is about my privacy? Someone can easily connect and make a lot of mess with it(don't wanna bring any ideas for bad people
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DJI Susan

Marius Ratkus Posted at 10-18 03:44
Mine was stolen in April, I report to to dji straight away,they said that they will contact me when someone will try to fly it. No news ever since..Its strange,cause such a smart gadget,but can't be locked to one account? Did you use words privacy etc? What is about my privacy? Someone can easily connect and make a lot of mess with it(don't wanna bring any ideas for bad people

Hello. We absolutely understand how you feel. To protect your data security and privacy interests, we will not and cannot position the aircraft in real-time. Please first contact your local police. If you need any help when reporting the case to the security authorities, please contact us at any time. We will do our best to provide relevant assistance. Meanwhile, please provide the device's serial number to us so that we can contact you if the stolen drone is sent back for repair.
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Hi there. I was flying my Neo When it suddenly lost signal, connection and fell to the ground. My phone number is written all over the drone, and the next morning I got a call from a person who had found my drone. He said he had found it and it was pretty mangled up (I wonder if he was expecting me to say just keep it). Anyway, it's been a couple of days, he's not answering my telephone calls or responding to text. I think he may have changed his mind about returning the drone. Is there a way to block the drone at least temporarily? I think i if it didn't work at all, she might suddenly change his mind. I can obviously involve the police as I have his telephone number, but I thought this might be more expedient.
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DJI Wanda

djiuser_zMKb5czmHBoc Posted at 11-21 12:33
Hi there. I was flying my Neo When it suddenly lost signal, connection and fell to the ground. My phone number is written all over the drone, and the next morning I got a call from a person who had found my drone. He said he had found it and it was pretty mangled up (I wonder if he was expecting me to say just keep it). Anyway, it's been a couple of days, he's not answering my telephone calls or responding to text. I think he may have changed his mind about returning the drone. Is there a way to block the drone at least temporarily? I think i if it didn't work at all, she might suddenly change his mind. I can obviously involve the police as I have his telephone number, but I thought this might be more expedient.

Hi, there
We absolutely understand how you feel.
To protect your data security and privacy interests, we will not and cannot position the aircraft in real time. Please first contact your local police.
If you need any help when reporting the case to the security authorities, please contact us at any time.
We will do our best to provide relevant assistance.
Also we recommend that you submit a flyaway case on your own without online waiting via this link:
If the drone is sent back for repair, we will contact you at the first time.
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