Flight distance : 68179 ft
Panph Posted at 8-21 23:03
Hi Jaboar, as i can understand, you haven't the DJI Terra PRO version, which include the "Points optimization", which is the command for strip alignment. If you're not using DJI Terra PRO for alignment, you should use TerraMatch.
As i can see in the screenshot, it looks like the paths are not aligned at all, as this is a raw data out of the L1 sensor. This misalignment is absolutely normal in Lidar data, it's necessary to align the paths in order to have good terrain points.
HI Panph.
You are right, we haven't the pro version.
We asked DJI some time ago to know if Dji TERRA PRO improved the results in the point cloud, but from "DJI" they only said that it improves the optimization of points but didn't explain how much, how, what improvement there was.
In the forums most people who work in the forestry sector commented that Terra free was enough.
Now seeing that difference between paths and the noise that gets us into the calculation models we use, we wonder if the Pro version would really improve the result of the point cloud.
But we don't know if with versio Pro the paths get aligned or we'll need a program , like Terramach, to have good results.
What is your opinion, or your experinece?
In another kind of works like topography, powerlines , ... DJI Terra pro is good? Do we have to forget about Dji Terra/Terra Pro and buy another program?
Thank you for your patience