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RavenEye suddenly stoped working, permanent black screen
984 1 2023-8-22
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Hello! I acquired the Ronin RSC 2 Pro Combo about six months ago. Everything was working fantastic, but during our last production the Raveneye transmitter suddenly stopped sending the video stream to the phone, even though the focus control and mobile force were still working. Unfortunately this complicated the production.

A few days after this incident I started testing the raveneye to see what could have gone wrong.
I tried feeding it video from different devices: A BMPCC4K (the one I was using when the transmitter failed), a GH5, a D5300, a D3200, even tried connecting my PC HDMI and nothing worked. I also tried at least 4 different HDMI cables on each device and also tried conecting to other 5 different mobile devices (an iPad mini 6th, iPad mini 4th, Redmi Note 12, iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy S20), all of that both connected and disconnected to the gimball. I also made sure that the video feed was always 1080p 8 bit (except for the D3200, it can only reach 720p and 1080i)

In other words, no matter the combination of hardware I always get the same result: a black screen.

-The transmitter always sucessfully connects to the phone/tablet, first it lights its status LED red, then turns blue when connected, but no longer turns green.

-Camera control works from the phone/tablet
-Mobile force and joystick control still works
-Focus control still works from both the mobile device and the gimball
-But no video reaches the phone/tablet, in Android its a black screen, in iOS its a gray gradient.

I am suspecting the (awful) mini HDMI port in the transmitter broke so it can't recieve a valid signal, which is weird to me considering the relatively light use the raveneye has been put trough. Repair service is out of my posibilities due to my location and economy. I am tempted to try repair the HDMI port myself but I would like to hear from you what else could be wrong.

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United States

No one still replied to this post?  I'm having the same problem, i bought the raveneye a month ago, set it up and everything was working fine.  Now it says the Raveneye is connected but i get no picture and when i connect it in the upper right hand corner its just a black screen and says the raveneye is not connected
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