Please help save our sport in CA
4236 28 2015-9-1
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Flight distance : 2605 ft
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Please show your support our sport before it gets legislated out of existence.

Californians: Join DJI and @CEA in urging Governor Brown to veto anti-innovation Senate Bill 142. Here's how:

Your support is appreciated.

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United States

so sad what CA is doing to this country! I can't help because in am a NV resident, but sucks...
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United States

Sent......   It makes me sick to live in this state sometimes. Right now is one of those times.
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Flight distance : 613615 ft
United States

Yeah, this bill is a lot of silliness.

After signing this petition, you may also want to leave your comments on the bill itself:

Here's what I wrote there and sent to Gov. Brown:

I do believe in protecting privacy rights and that UAS should be regulated. Unfortunately SB-142 is not the right solution and will do harm instead of good. Therefore I oppose the bill and sincerely hope that other solutions will be considered.

Trying to solve this problem by establishing new air rights for private citizens as laid out in this bill, will not protect privacy. It's possible to take any UAS up to say 100' over a public road or my own property, and easily compromise the privacy of any adjoining property. It is simply ineffective. At the same time establishing a no fly zone below 350' over any private property will seriously hamper the use of this new and promising technology.

It is not only a shortsighted plan that ties into the media driven hysteria about UAS, but it is also dangerous. By requiring UAS to fly above 350', it forces them to fly extremely close to the ceiling of 400' established by the FAA. Most UAS are flown at much lower and safer altitudes. This would push them into an airspace frequently used by helicopters and other small aircraft.

With the FAA expected to come out with regulations for UAS shortly, the smart move for now is to postpone passing any legislation. Furthermore, there is also the consideration whether the state can actually regulate airspace, and costly lawsuits would be inevitable.

It's good to discuss this, solutions need to be found, but this one will be ineffective, dangerous and costly for our state. Please consider waiting for the FAA.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Thank you all for your efforts.
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-9-3 05:41
Thank you all for your efforts.

Totally agree Tahoe, this needs to be stopped. Cannot reply though as I am not in CA. If this gets through, it will be game on everywhere.

On the other side of the coin though, the issues that DJI may face in CA with sales is on the same level as those that cannot arm in no fly zones, interesting that the shoe is on the other foot and you put the call out for support!

As for support, we are happy to support DJI nut where is ours? I am one of the unlucky ones with a faulty craft. 2 repairs and still hardware faults. Have had it for 8 weeks out of close to 7 months now. Software updates fix issues then create more.

Time to look at what support DJI offers and the stability of the updates. Time to look at production line quality as it makes no sense that SOME have issues whilst many have none. Time to make sure updates are stable. Time to implement the promises made when the Inspire was released. Tick tock.
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United States

I want to vote but I live in New York. This is an absurd bill and should not be passed. It is completely inefficient.
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Second Officer
United States

darmino Posted at 2015-9-3 19:14
How ironic, DJI wants the customers they screwed to support them. I'll jump right on it in 6 to 8 we ...

No, he does not want you to support "them" he wants you to support the pilots in California if you live in California. Try reading the post if you are going to make smart comments!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Sad to see this in CA. I just returned from LA and saw some of this being discussed. You do know the Gov. Brown is very liberal and will push this kind of agenda for all of our rights....  Losing freedom everyday in this Country

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Flight distance : 524032 ft
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United States

Thanks for posting this, Ed. The slippery slope began with drone bans near airports, then national parks and is now progressing toward virtually all airspace. At this rate the drone hobby may come to an end with all flying requiring a permit. That would be a sad day. Hopefully enough people sign this petition to stop (or at least slow) the current anti-drone legislation that is brewing in this state.
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Second Officer
United States

darmino Posted at 2015-9-4 12:24
You actually deleted my reply...

Ok, here we go.

Here are just some of the rules. The full list of rules is on the first post of the "Welcome and Forum Regulations" thread.   
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, profanity (or attempts to bypass profanity filters), insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts.  This goes towards other users, towards DJI and DJI employees.

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Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
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I do not have the time to waste arguing with you. If you continue I will delete your post again and if you continue to break the forum rules I will delete your user account.

Sorry but that is how it goes. I would prefer not to do this!

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Flight distance : 3176083 ft
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United States

Thanks Tahoe_Ed for posting this info!
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United States

I hope California is going to reimburse my $7500.00 for this hobby since I purchased this in California and they accepted my taxs happily, if not looks like I will be continuing to fly my bird. it is what it is. I hope all people who live in Cali take this seriously as we loose our right every day without knowing, I have been watching this closely. just know were all screwed.
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Flight distance : 18484 ft
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United States

Good luck to the west coast, We should ALL keep an eye on this. Don't think that just because its not in your state, it wont be brought up at your own state.
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United Kingdom

i dont really  understand your polititions, think the right to privacy is more inportant than letting everyone carring a loaded gun in their pocket  seems utter madness your inspire an't going to kill anyome
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River One
Flight distance : 7691722 ft
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United States

As I have posted soon after the end of the 78th Nevada State Legislature and the Gov signed AB 239-- its sets the minimum limit at 250 ft AND requires prior property owner objection. Its addresses concerns of 1st Amendment as well as restricted fly areas. This bill showed a lot of foresight by our Governor, the Governor's Office of Economic Development, Industry leaders, law enforcement, ACLU and other major stakeholders including the UAV industry. Job well done Nevada, sad California did not seem to take note and appears to be flying off the logical handle!! Something Sacramento seems to do all too often!!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

River One Posted at 2015-9-7 18:03
As I have posted soon after the end of the 78th Nevada State Legislature and the Gov signed AB 239-- ...

We all know that even at 100' the detail available is next to useless.  250' was a better solution but not ideal in the real world.  I just hope that the irresponsible users will start to take notice and fly right rather than wrong.  My wish, my hope, my prayer for all of us.  I wish I had more faith in our users better nature.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Guys just an update.  Thanks to all your efforts we have succeeded in defeating SB142.  Please see the attached.
Slack for iOS Upload.png.jpeg
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Flight distance : 613615 ft
United States

I just saw that too. Very good news. Gotta give credit to Gov. Brown for listening to reason.

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Flight distance : 4626 ft
United States

nebelung Posted at 2015-9-9 23:15
I just saw that too. Very good news. Gotta give credit to Gov. Brown for listening to reason.

I don't give Moonbeam credit for much but he got this one right!
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United States

ageelectrical Posted at 2015-9-7 17:29
i dont really  understand your polititions, think the right to privacy is more inportant than letti ...

Actually you could kill someone with your inspire, it goes 50+mph and is quite heavy, while the chance of hitting someone with it going that fast is unlikely if it did happen theres a good chance it could be fatal. The chance of someone who is legally carrying a gun actually killing someone other than in self defense is nearly non existent.  In fact its been proven over and over that cities where citizens can legally carry a gun have much less crime and gun violence than cites where you cant legally carry a gun.  Criminals are much more brazen and likely to use their guns when they know they are the only ones who have them.  They are less likely to do so when they know that law abiding citizens are carrying them as well and can defend themselves.  There have been no mass shootings where law abiding people have the right to carry guns, these problems only happen where no one is allowed to carry except the criminals who obviously do not follow the laws.  If someone does try to carry out a mass shooting where its legal to carry they are usually only able to kill one or two people before they are invariably taken out by a law abiding bystander who is legally carrying a gun.   Mass killings happen without guns as well, people use bombs, knives, their cars to mow down pedestrians, clubs or whatever they can get their hands on.  The gun is not at fault, the person is, and to blame the gun is ignorant and asinine.  

Armed citizens rebelling from the oppression and tyranny of the english government played a fundamental role in how the USA became a country and as such the right to bear arms to ensure such government oppression never happens again is a major part of our constitution, history and way of life.  The american people will never allow themselves to be disarmed.
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Flight distance : 615230 ft
United States

You are absolutely right, NOT! in the wild west everyone had guns an no one ever died  via a gun, right?  Fact: The odds of being killed  by a firearm in the USA is 3.55%, the odds in the United Kingdom where they have gun control. 0.05%  This is a fact, no twist , no NRA spin, just fact! Look it up,  No, I'll do it for you,  here you go. ( ... -related_death_rate).  At some point species die off or evolve.
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United States

darmino Posted at 2015-9-20 20:24
You are absolutely right, NOT! in the wild west everyone had guns an no one ever died  via a gun, ri ...

the population of the USA is about 5 times the population of the UK.  

The population of my town is 450 people, about 80 percent of them carry guns and the chances of you getting shot here are 0%, unless youre a criminal.

Your argument is incorrect and invalid.
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

Seems no one cares anyway..........fresh from the DJI contest

Los Angeles by night

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United States

Machoman Posted at 2015-9-22 18:19
Seems no one cares anyway..........fresh from the DJI contest

Los Angeles by night

of course not, who the hell is gonna only fly in the middle of nowhere where nobody is?  Millions of good photo ops in cities or while flying over people.  Obviously you dont wanna be flying 2 feet over peoples heads but to think you cant safely fly within 100 feet of a person or building is completely asinine and everyone will continue to fly in cities and around people.
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

If I do this in Austria during day someone will call the police - only if I fly in the middle of bigger cities (though all cities are small). There was a case that some idiot - obviousely government supporter - followed a drone in the city with a bicycle to catch the pilot. Similar would happen in most west EU countries. And many cities make themselves to dedicated nofly zones so everyone on the street is aware if they see a drone its illegal.

People in western Europe are crazy, the have no bank secrecy get ripped off by governments who just serve for others but get upset for privacy concerns when they see a drone and are absolutely sure its only here to observe them, look up their appartments or houses to plan break ins.  

Also watch the germans in any forum no matter which language. If someone asks something outside government repression laws they immediately will remind you that the discussion is obsolete because their master  - the government - has already forbidden this.
In the german kopterforum I got banned on the first day for starting a discussion about the 150m limit and asking for a objectively discussion without every 2nd posting be its obsolete you are not allowed anyway.

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United States

may differ by country but in usa is not really strictly enforced yet anyway, most people do not care if you fly drones over them at reasonable safe distances but there is always going to be some whiny crybaby who might report you and you may or may not get in trouble depending where you are, laws regarding drone use are largely nonexistent at this point though they are working on changing that.  
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United States

Too Bad - we had such a great hobby before all the idiots flew where they should not have been and now all the pilots with good intentions who fly safe will have to pay the price for the morons - get ready guys the end of drones as we know them now is near!
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United States

BoomStrike Posted at 2015-9-25 14:41
Too Bad - we had such a great hobby before all the idiots flew where they should not have been and n ...

never gonna happen, not in the usa at least, drones are here to stay, get used to it.  Its all fear mongering BS anyway, there is ZERO chance of any phantom/inspire sized drone causing any significant damage to any commercial aircraft, they are 2-5 pound 80% hollow plastic devices that will shatter on impact causing a small dent at best, birds like ducks and geese have 10X+ the amount of solid mass as a drone and aircraft hit them daily with zero issues in most cases.  

The hudson river plane crash flew threw an entire flock of canadian honker geese which weigh 18-24 pounds or more of solid meat mass which when sucked through a jet engine can damage it and they took out every engine on that plane due to multiple large birds going through every engine, but your average 2-4 pound duck which has 10x the actual mass of a 4 pound 80% hollow plastic drone will go through a jet engine without causing so much as a hiccup.  They shoot FROZEN chickens of the same size though the engines to test their reliability in case of such an event and that doesnt cause engine failure so there is no fucking way a small plastic mostly hollow drone will do anything at all to them.  Even if a drone would take out a jet engine, which it wont, jets have 2-4 engines and there is no way they would crash from the loss of one engine.  Everyone who is all worked up and excited over drone/plane collisions and think its a potential big problem are fucking morons plain and simple.

I have many pilot friends who fly small agricultural spray planes that hit ducks and geese all the time without causing any catastrophic major damage and they say hitting a drone would do even less than the birds.  They are not worried about drones at all and theyve been flying most of their lives and have much experience actually hitting stuff with their aircraft.  They say at worst the birds break windscreens if they are big enough and hit it just perfect, the actual damage potential from drone/aircraft collisions is minuscule, and the chances they will happen anyway are quite small as well.  

Id bet that unless you are at an airport by the runway after observing the traffic patterns for a long time that you couldnt crash a drone into a plane very easily if you were trying too.  Away from the airport a ways after they are at full cruising speed your odds of hitting one intentionally are infinitely less and nearly impossible.

A large 4ft+ wingspan octo motor custom built copter or something might be able to cause significant damage to an aircraft, but they are much easier to spot and avoid from much farther away if the pilot is paying attention as he should be.  The chances of anyone flying such a craft where they shouldnt be is very slim also, as they cost $10,000+ and people spending that kind of money to build and fly them arent your average clueless first time pilot idiots who spend $500-1500 on a phantom who have no idea of the rules/regulations and are more likely to fly around other aircraft.
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