United States
never gonna happen, not in the usa at least, drones are here to stay, get used to it. Its all fear mongering BS anyway, there is ZERO chance of any phantom/inspire sized drone causing any significant damage to any commercial aircraft, they are 2-5 pound 80% hollow plastic devices that will shatter on impact causing a small dent at best, birds like ducks and geese have 10X+ the amount of solid mass as a drone and aircraft hit them daily with zero issues in most cases.
The hudson river plane crash flew threw an entire flock of canadian honker geese which weigh 18-24 pounds or more of solid meat mass which when sucked through a jet engine can damage it and they took out every engine on that plane due to multiple large birds going through every engine, but your average 2-4 pound duck which has 10x the actual mass of a 4 pound 80% hollow plastic drone will go through a jet engine without causing so much as a hiccup. They shoot FROZEN chickens of the same size though the engines to test their reliability in case of such an event and that doesnt cause engine failure so there is no fucking way a small plastic mostly hollow drone will do anything at all to them. Even if a drone would take out a jet engine, which it wont, jets have 2-4 engines and there is no way they would crash from the loss of one engine. Everyone who is all worked up and excited over drone/plane collisions and think its a potential big problem are fucking morons plain and simple.
I have many pilot friends who fly small agricultural spray planes that hit ducks and geese all the time without causing any catastrophic major damage and they say hitting a drone would do even less than the birds. They are not worried about drones at all and theyve been flying most of their lives and have much experience actually hitting stuff with their aircraft. They say at worst the birds break windscreens if they are big enough and hit it just perfect, the actual damage potential from drone/aircraft collisions is minuscule, and the chances they will happen anyway are quite small as well.
Id bet that unless you are at an airport by the runway after observing the traffic patterns for a long time that you couldnt crash a drone into a plane very easily if you were trying too. Away from the airport a ways after they are at full cruising speed your odds of hitting one intentionally are infinitely less and nearly impossible.
A large 4ft+ wingspan octo motor custom built copter or something might be able to cause significant damage to an aircraft, but they are much easier to spot and avoid from much farther away if the pilot is paying attention as he should be. The chances of anyone flying such a craft where they shouldnt be is very slim also, as they cost $10,000+ and people spending that kind of money to build and fly them arent your average clueless first time pilot idiots who spend $500-1500 on a phantom who have no idea of the rules/regulations and are more likely to fly around other aircraft. |