United States
I just got my Mini 3 Pro (i swapped my Mini 3 for it) I have a flag that I wanted to test the Quick Shot circle to fly the drone around the flag. The flag is about 8 ft high and I had my drone hovering about 10 feet away. My house was 20 ft away and no other obstacles within that 10 feet radius. When I started the quick shot circle the drone seemed to fly out more than 10 feet away and crashed violently into the wall of my house. D@MN!. The right front sensor was bent and propellers were scuffed, but no other apparent damage. I relaunched the drone and hovered and seems to be "OK".
I thought that in Quick shot circle mode the radius is established prior to activating and that if there was an obstacle it would or go around. In this case I had obstacle avoidance set to go around, but I don't think it even sensed the wall because it didn't even slow down.
Question: Does obstacle avoidance work in Quick Shots? Apparently it didn't work in Circle. Secondly, what is the minimum radius from the object will Quickshots circle work? Is there a warning, because I didn't see/notice it on the screen.
Thirdly, I i did purchase the DJI Care Refresh. What are my options, because there appears to be superficial damage on the drown (dent) on the plastic surrounding one of the front sensors. It includes a replacement. Is it free or is it $65 depending on if you can wait until DJI receives the drone to be replaced?
Thank you (newbie here) I appreciate your recommendations.