Hello guyz! I'd first like to apologize for my approximative english! thanks for your empathy
Two years ago, when i first bought my rs2, i was struggling to make my raveneye work because my mobile phone only had 2.4ghz wi-fi. So after some deep search on the web, i finally came up with an EASYYYYY (lol) solution : install ronin app on a friend's phone which had 5ghz wifi, connect the raven-eye to my friend's phone, and change the wi-fi frequency in the app to make it work on MY phone. Time consuming, but worked like a charm for the 2 next years!
BUT i recently bought a new phone, with 5ghz wi-fi this time, so i did the exact opposite of what i did 2 years ago : connect the raven-eye to my old phone, set the frequency to 5ghz on ronin app, and connect it to my new phone. But for some reason, i couldn't recall my raven-eye password. Ok let's try 12345678... no success. Let's try the one written under the SSID... no success.
"No problem" i thought, the doc says to click the power button six times to reset the password, so let's do this... i try, one time, two times, three times,... but still one steady red led and 3 blinking white leds!
I tried to do it slow, fast, at a medium pace, while singing, doing 360's, dancing macarena under a full moon, but still... no success! this raven-eye doesn't want me to reset its password!
Other things i tried which didn't work : -Connect it from my wifi mobile menu
-Connect it back to my old mobile, but i can't (the frequency change has been registered)
-Set it up with the gimbal and the camera, and try to connect
-Force shutdown by pressing power button for 10+sec, restart, click 6 times...
-Connect it to my pc
-Dancing the macarena while the moon wasn't full and try to connect...
to no avail!
I also tried to chat with the support, and the only solution they offer is paying me the shipping fees so they can test the device and repair it, but they said i'll have to pay for the reparations
I always used the device properly, never dropped it on the ground... knowing the circumstances, i'm 99% certain it's kind of a "bug" in the hardware code. idk what to do guyz... could someone help me?
Thx for reading and taking time, peace!