DJI Paladin
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. To shoot regular photography in dark scenarios, the footage brightness can be increased by increasing ISO or extending exposure time. However, a relatively high ISO is accompanied by more noise, and a relatively long exposure time accumulates jitter to the aircraft and gimbal, both resulting in blurred footage. Simulated long exposure involves dividing a long target exposure time period into a number of short exposure time periods in order to obtain multi-frame footage. After the motion estimation, alignment, and stacking of the obtained footage, the output will be footage with a total exposure time equal to the preset long exposure time. The above motion estimation and alignment help to avoid accumulating jitter to the aircraft and gimbal. Furthermore, Yes. The auxiliary light located at the bottom of the aircraft can be turned on or off using the Fn button (customizable button) on DJI RC-N2 or the customizable C1/C2 button on DJI RC 2 or you can enter the camera view in the DJI Fly app, go to Settings, Safety, and Auxiliary LED. Then select “On”.
Auxiliary LED settings: The auxiliary light can be set in the app to Auto, On, or Off. In Auto, the auxiliary light is automatically enabled when there is insufficient ambient light. |