Flight distance : 178881 ft
Hi, thanks for your time.
The waypoint system for the Mini 4 Pro on the RC2 NEEDS folders. Currently, all the waypoint missions are just in a long list. This gets unorganized very fast. We need to be able to create and name folders, and then move waypoint missions into those folders.
I might have a handful of waypoint missions for one geograpic area, and then another handful of waypoint missions for another area.
This problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is no way to insert waypoints into the middle of a waypoint missio; you can only add waypoints to the end of the list of waypoints. This means that it becomes easier to break larger missions up into several smaller missions, but then the full list of missions gets longer and longer.
Additionally: please give us either a proper file management app, or give us access to installing third party apps, so we can install a file management app ourselves. It's problematic to have ALL waypoint missions stored on the RC2 remote, and it's a huge hassle to transfer the missions to a computer, due to the waypoint mission files being hidden under weird names under many layers of subfolders.
Thank you for your attention. |