As far as I understand, O3 and O4 is not a matter of hardware but rather of firmware!
The RC Pro, as the flagship controller is only two years old, and such a controller, for the price, is not old enough to be ditched yet!
If it was five, six ++ years old, then I’d get why dji would not make it backwards forward compatible!
If it was cheaper and not the flagship, I would also understand why dji would not make it forward compatible!
But it is neither!
Apple got a bunch of crap for this, including some law suits, and they ended up changing their entire strategy from “forcing” you to buy - new phone every 2 years to keeping their phones viable for at least 6-7years, by not slowing them down with the next OS update!
The RC pro should be “the product” to last at least 6-7 years for it’s status!
And I get the profit problem, but hey…there is a thin line between the profit margin and customer satisfaction that basically states that if you invest in the flagship, it should have more “life”! |