I likely do more propeller swaps than the average bear due to testing for YouTube and b-roll mishaps so not surprising I finally mangled a screw head bad enough that I couldn't remove it. I suppose the surprising part is how long it took me to get there considering I'm on my 4th Mini drone.
Anyhow, there are a number of different ways to get out a stuck screw. Everyone is going to have a different method and tool that they are comfortable using. I decided on using a Dremel with a cutting disc to remove enough of the the propeller to be able to grab the screw head with pliers. Turns out a had a bit of luck, which made it even easier but I'm confident I would have got there regardless.
I hope it's helpful should you find yourself in a similar situation. Thanks for watching, cheers!
I bought an electric nail file off Amazon and this works perfectly to remove threaded screws. Just file away the lip and use a pair of needle nose pliers to loosen the screw so you can then unscrew it using the provided screwdriver.
This cost me £8.50 and by far easier than anything else I’ve seen.
djiuser_Z7NSxCUgHmb3 Posted at 12-23 12:46
I bought an electric nail file off Amazon and this works perfectly to remove threaded screws. Just file away the lip and use a pair of needle nose pliers to loosen the screw so you can then unscrew it using the provided screwdriver.
This cost me £8.50 and by far easier than anything else I’ve seen.
You didn't look far enough... The easiest way is listed two posts above yours...