Flight distance : 518488 ft
Today I did the first three flights with my new Air 3 with the RC2 Controller.
Coming from the Mavic Air (1) I am very happy with the huge step up in performance.
I noticed one annoying thing:
When I use spotlight mode the black fields with the three tracking options appears but the flight information (hight, speed, distance) disappear.
The screen is big enough to show all that togehter, if dji would change the screen layout.
I often use spotlight as an assistant for orbits, where I can concentrate on the flight path while spotlight keeps pointing the camera at the object. Especially when changing altitude while orbiting I would like to see my hight shown on the screen.
Is there a work around that I missed or DJI could you please leave hight, speed and distance on and position the black tracking bar elsewhere on the screen?
Thanks for any helpful hints
spotlight Mode blocks out hight, distance and speed