First time able to fly here in the Arizona desert because oftemps well above 100f. Most of theproblems are navigational. All preflight check’s done, including IMU andCompass calibration done. Everything looks good to GO.
1. Right away once at about 6 feet in the air and pushing theleft stick forward the bird goes sideways to the right. After stopping, thengoing forward again the bird stays on track in a straight line. While going straightahead as I bank left slowly then stick straight forward the bird goes on aright side move, not straight.
2. When raising landing gear while hovering about 5 feet thebird climbs another 4 feet. When lowering gear while at a 6 to 15 foot hoverthe bird loses about 5 foot in altitude.
3. Whenever I’m flying forward and about 20+ knots then slowdownto a complete stop, the bird loses about 5+ feet in altitude.
4. Several time’s during today’s flights I’m losing connectionto the bird, flight controls still active. I’m guessing this is the DJI GO appproblem.
5. Did the FW update about 3 weeks ago and selected thedischarge to start at 1 day for storage. Today all the Batts were at about 87%.
I’ve been flying the I1 over the past 6 months with noproblems at all; it’s been rock solid until the 1.3 update. Grounding the bird until DJI gets the FW fixed.