Digital i Photo UK
Flight distance : 20787 ft
United Kingdom
djiuser_8oEBoSY807kQ Posted at 11-11 07:19
I've been having the exact same issue, and glad I read through this thread. So I went and got Resolve Studio - and had exactly the same issue! It doesn't happen in VLC, so the files are ok. It doesn't happen on the media page before importing. Import it into the media pool and it happens again. The right half of the screen has weird colours and artifacts. No import LUT, doesn't matter what colour space I chose. But... apart from one clip, all the problems show up when the Pocket 3 is in selfie. If gimbal facing forwards, it doesn't happen, except in that one clip. I just can't get my head around this.
After some further experimentation, these artifacts only appear when I connect the POcket 3 to the PC by cable and transfer the files. If I remove the SD card and insert that in the PC - no artifacts! Still only on selfie orientation though. Weird! |