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MicroSD card availability...
4218 12 2023-10-30
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

I've been searching the web for the Kingston Canvas React Plus (64GB<->256GB) UHS-II Speed Grade 3 that is listed as one of the "compatible" microSD cards.  Not available from any of the usual suspects (Amazon, B&H, Adorama, WalMart, blah blah).  There isn't even anything of this sort listed on the Kingston website !!! (Only the SD sizes/version).  

I've always been partial to, perferred SanDisk Extremes, but only the 32GB is listed as "compatible".... I want more storage.

Any suggestions?  Or if you've been running larger volume SanDisk's, share the spec and your experience...
Osmo Pocket 3
FWIW, I'm using the Sandisk Extreme "64GB" in my original Pocket (-1-) ... same spec as the 32... can't figure out why it's not listed as ok as well.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6562 ft
United States

I use a SanDisk 512GB Extreme Pro UHS-1 uXDSC U3 A2 V30 without a problem (no overheating). I use the same in my Action 4.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

DaveSp Posted at 10-30 15:49
I use a SanDisk 512GB Extreme Pro UHS-1 uXDSC U3 A2 V30 without a problem (no overheating).

Thank you.
... starting a list :-)
[Edit on 10/31 CST (US)] ... after reading the long 'overheating' thread it looks like some strong opinions both ways (fast/slow cards ... do/do not ... correlate to heating. ]
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you can get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI members here about the best SD card based on their experience. You may also want to check the available SD card on our store website by clicking this link . Should you have other inquiries, feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!
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United Kingdom

Using Sandisj here too from a drone purchase with DJI and it's working fine too.
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Core User of DJI
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United States

I use either a SanDisk 256GB Extreme Pro UHS-I A2 V30 or a SanDisk 512GB Extreme Pro UHS-1 A2 V30.  No issues using either card.  Both have 90MB/s write speed and 160MB/s read speed.  

Not sure why they aren't listed as "compatible".  Maybe DJI just didn't test them.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 10-30 20:09
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you can get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI members here about the best SD card based on their experience. You may also want to check the available SD card on our store website by clicking this link . Should you have other inquiries, feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!

Regrettably the DJI "Store" also lacks most of the recommended versions, especially the aforementioned "Canvas React Plus".  (Others have noted in other forums that it can't be found or listed as Not Available..)

I've just finished reading a lengthy thread on some random overheating problems that "some" are attributing to using cards not listed as approved/compatible.

Mod... is it possible that some cards (that were ok for other cameras) are excluded because of overheating matters?  Can you answer "why" the list of approved is so small?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6562 ft
United States

WebParrot Posted at 10-30 15:50
Thank you.
... starting a list :-)
[Edit on 10/31 CST (US)] ... after reading the long 'overheating' thread it looks like some strong opinions both ways (fast/slow cards ... do/do not ... correlate to heating. ]

Having tried different cards without overheating, I don't think the card is the problem.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


WebParrot Posted at 10-31 09:04
Regrettably the DJI "Store" also lacks most of the recommended versions, especially the aforementioned "Canvas React Plus".  (Others have noted in other forums that it can't be found or listed as Not Available..)

I've just finished reading a lengthy thread on some random overheating problems that "some" are attributing to using cards not listed as approved/compatible.

Thank you for your response, WebParrot. The list on our website are those SD card that we have fully tested on our facility and it is proven to be working on the unit. We will forward this concern to our relevant team about updating the website once we test more SD cards in the future. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 11-2 01:02
Thank you for your response, WebParrot. The list on our website are those SD card that we have fully tested on our facility and it is proven to be working on the unit. We will forward this concern to our relevant team about updating the website once we test more SD cards in the future. Thank you for your understanding and support.

You're welcome for my support.  I appreciate that you formed a prompt reply.

You must understand that it seems wholly unexplainable -to many of us- that we cannot use memory cards that work very well (and are approved for) use in our Original Pocket and Pocket 2!  What could be so difficult to simply evaluate the same SanDisk (for example) that you approved for them, for the new Pocket 3 ??!!  It would be so nice if I could confidently simply move cards from the old pocket to the new one.

Thanks for listening.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


WebParrot Posted at 11-2 16:04
You're welcome for my support.  I appreciate that you formed a prompt reply.

You must understand that it seems wholly unexplainable -to many of us- that we cannot use memory cards that work very well (and are approved for) use in our Original Pocket and Pocket 2!  What could be so difficult to simply evaluate the same SanDisk (for example) that you approved for them, for the new Pocket 3 ??!!  It would be so nice if I could confidently simply move cards from the old pocket to the new one.

We totally understand your request. Rest assured that this concern will be forwarded to the relevant team for attention. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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Mark MaoGowan

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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

Use SanDisk Extreme Pro in either 256 or 512GB capacities in all my cameras, including the Pocket 3 - never had any issues.
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