 First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
United States
I've been searching the web for the Kingston Canvas React Plus (64GB<->256GB) UHS-II Speed Grade 3 that is listed as one of the "compatible" microSD cards. Not available from any of the usual suspects (Amazon, B&H, Adorama, WalMart, blah blah). There isn't even anything of this sort listed on the Kingston website !!! (Only the SD sizes/version).
I've always been partial to, perferred SanDisk Extremes, but only the 32GB is listed as "compatible".... I want more storage.
Any suggestions? Or if you've been running larger volume SanDisk's, share the spec and your experience...
Osmo Pocket 3
FWIW, I'm using the Sandisk Extreme "64GB" in my original Pocket (-1-) ... same spec as the 32... can't figure out why it's not listed as ok as well.