United States
Are there ND filters being made for the newer OSMO 3?
I ask, not because I actually own or plan to buy an OSMO 3 but, it's because I'm wondering if there are actually any ND filters that are made for these new DJI cameras.
I own a cheap off-brand action camera that no matter what adjustments I make to it I'm still getting video recordings that are far too bright for my liking. I can fix most of it in post editing but it would be nice if I could just use an ND filter to tone it down a bit instead, and from the looks of it, the lens dimensions of the OSMO 3 look to be close enough to the actual glass lens dimensions of my off-brand action camera.
I'm wanting to find an action camera or vloging camera with a lens size close to the size of the outside dimensions of the circular lens housing that protrudes from the face of my older AKASO Brave 4 action camera. If I can buy an ND filter of the approximate size or just close enough, I can then use my CAD software to model and 3D print an adapter to fit the ND filter onto my action camera.
The outside diameter of the lens housing that protrudes from the front of my action camera measures 24mm. The actual glass lens diameter in the middle measures 14mm. If I can find an ND filter with similar diameter dimensions I can just make an adapter to use to mount it to my action camera.
It doesn't have to be those exact dimensions. It can even be a little bit bigger. I just want to try using an ND filter to tone down the images I'm getting out of this particular action camera. The video recordings are great otherwise. It's just that I've grown weary of all the editing to get them to where I want them.
Can anyone here suggest an ND filter in 32 or 64 with close enough dimensions of any of the DJI camera offerings? If you can it would be a big help for me.