Second Officer
United Kingdom
fansfe82067d Posted at 11-16 03:48
It's kind of depressing but the Pocket 3 YouTube video with the most views - 1M - is the one by "Unbox Therapy" which only skims the surface of the device and really tells viewers next to nothing about it, compared with the in depth coverage of Ifti's review (and many others with rather less than 1M views). Strange place, YouTube. After labouring mightily to create videos about various aspects of various DJI cameras on my own channel, the biggest audience there was actually 1 minute of footage from a security camera in the garden, during an earthquake... oh well.
[Edited to confess that having just checked, the one I did about the five gimbal modes of the original Pocket, 4 years ago, does have slightly more views than the earthquake. Well, that's made my day. I must get around to changing the title of that video to mention DJI Pocket 3, thus getting a few more views.]
Yeh it does kinda get deflating at times, especially when you put so much into a review video. But alas, my thinking is I am helping someone else make an informed decision about whether it would deserve their purchase or not, whereas for large YouTubers this is a business where their aim is to make money, and they know they are at the level where a simple 1 minute video showing the outside of a box would get them hundreds or thousands of views anyways, so less effort required! |