Flight distance : 220141 ft
I've just installed the new firmware on my P3P and tested the new modes in the simulator.
The Home Lock mode works differently from what I expected.
How it works in the simulator:
- When the right stick is pulled backwards, the aircraft goes in the direction of the home point. Just as it is supposed to.
- Forward - it flies away from the home point. OK.
- Sideways - it flies left or right respectively but it also moves away from the home point at the same time.
I thought that it should react to sideways movements of the right stick by circling clockwise and counterclockwise while maintaining the same distance from the home point. Just as if the Home Point was a POI. Or, another analogy, I thought that the Home Lock mode turns the right stick into polar coordinate system as opposed to cartesian coordinate system in the normal mode. I.e. Forward-Backward movements of the stick control the Radius and Left-Right stick movements control the Angle.
I really don't understand why it is implemented in this weird "expanding-spiral" way. It may be a simulator bug though. Has anyone tested it live?