Flight distance : 178881 ft
DJI Osmo Action 4
A) Please please please add an option to give custom user presets a name. I have made different user presets/modes for different kinds of activities and filming, but when I'm out to film, I can't nescessarily remember whether it was my preset 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 that was the relevant preset. Being able to call them "biking", "driving", "running", "low light walk" etc. would help a lot!
B) Please create a better navigation and overview of user-presets. The whole scrolling between big, slow-moving icons gets very very annoying. Icons should be a supplemental information; not the main input interface in my opinion. I understand that the idea is to make it easier to use while outdoors etc., but it's clunky.
If we must use the whole icons/swipe up/down/left/right system, then can you can least give us arrow icons to use instead. I want to press some left/right arrows with instant screen update (not waiting for annoying scolling animation).
The famous John Carmack was right when he talked about never ever making the user wait for pointless animations etc. just because some designers liked them.
C) Please let us create more then the current 5 custom user preset/modes. The concept/idea is great, but 5 isn't enough. This would obviously nescessitate the aforementioned UI usability and response update.
I think the camera is pretty great (except for low-light and photos), but the UI is a slow, unresponsive mess in my opinion. It feels like a very slow swipe-left-rigt-and-wait-for-UI-animations-simulator.