Flight distance : 60525 ft
United States
djiuser_PEi2FEBu3Bb8 Posted at 11-26 18:18
Hi! What exactly did you do to find your drone in Drone Scanner? I'm bashing my head around it for quite some time, and it never shows up. I use the spare phone that isn't connected to any wifi network, open up the Drone Scanner app - and nothing happens.
Do you need to take off for the drone to start broadcasting ID?
Hi. Frankly, it's been so long I don't recall whether I actually did anything to get it to appear. I did run Drone Scanner on my phone, controlling the drone with a tablet. Prior to takeoff, I confirmed that DJI Fly reported the RID was functioning. A message does appear on the home screen, plus, you can drill into the menu to see the status. Whether I had to take off first, I don't know, but I'd doubt it-as the RID is being transmitted, it shouldn't matter whether the drone is in flight, but maybe. Since I got it working and saw it that one time, I've not checked DS. Sorry I can't be more helpful. |