United States
Hi everyone, I’m new to the world of drones and how to fly them. I’m a disabled vet and I go with a friend when he flies his and he lets me get some practice flying in sometimes. It is very interesting and definitely a lot of fun for me. Being disabled it’s very hard for me to get around or out of the house so being able to have my friend over and fly his drone off the back porch is a nice escape for me. I really wish I could afford my own drone, I’m trying to save up to get my own but it’s hard being on fixed income. Anyway sorry I digress, I’m new to all this and would really appreciate any beginners info/tips anyone may have, and any essential gear/hardware I should consider if I can ever afford my own drone. Well thanks for the (hopefully lol) future info/tips on drones and how to fly them. Thank you and take care. |