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AR homepoint icon disappearing after using auto active shots
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3440 41 2023-12-25
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   On my initial flight after the recent update, where I noticed my AR homepoint, (the yellow H in a circle with dot) had dissapeared after using auto active shots, I went out yesterday morning to do some troubleshooting. I did a compass calibration in an area free of interference first, thinking that could be the issue, but it didn't change anything. I'll note I've been flying DJI drones for a couple years and this is my 6th DJI drone. I always wait for the homepoint to show updated before I take off and fly away.
I took off, flew up and a ways away, turned around to face my homepoint. The yellow H was moving around the controller screen edges correctly. I tilted the gimbal  down and there's the big yellow H and dot on my landing pad. I flew back to my takeoff area, and did a short 5 minute auto active  shot on myself, which worked fine, a cool feature for sure. Stopped the active shot and flew a distance away, same as yesterday, the yellow H around the outside of my  screen functioned normally, but no homepoint circled yellow H and dot on my pad. I took a chance and let it auto return to home and the green AR flight path thingy appeared and it came back and landed on the pad, so seems more a matter of the software not displaying the home point H and dot correctly after using the auto active shot feature, than it not knowing where the homepoint is. After landing the drone, I turned the drone off and back on, took off and flew a distance away, turned around, gimbal down to look at my landing pad, and there's the circled yellow H and dot on my landing pad same as yesterday as it should be. As a side note, I flew again later in the day, same effect, after using auto active shot, the Yellow H/circle/dot had vanished off my landing pad, although I noticed the yellow H /circle/dot flash a couple times on my landing pad just for a second and then dissapear again while I was flying back to  land. The Yellow H moving around the outside of the controller screen always functions correctly. The issue is the AR homepoint icon functions normally so long as I don't use the auto active shots feature, once I do that, the homepoint icon vanishes and it take a re start of the drone to make the home point icon function normally. I've replicated this 5 times at this point. I have one other pilot in the other firmware release post saying he's noticed this. Is anyone else see it?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2013891 ft

Yesterday I had the same issue. I fixed it on the flight, just updating the home point. But it seems to be a firmware bug.
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FabioV Posted at 12-25 13:57
Yesterday I had the same issue. I fixed it on the flight, just updating the home point. But it seems to be a firmware bug.

I brought the drone back to the landing pad, right over like I was going to land, updated the home point and it didn't help. I had to land and restart the drone to make it work correctly. was your drone away from you while you updated the homepoint?
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Flight distance : 360505 ft
United States

Was able to fly this morning. I can also confirm HP dot disappears.
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hillbillyflyer Posted at 12-26 09:26
Was able to fly this morning. I can also confirm HP dot disappears.

Thanks for checking it out and verifying its not unique to my drone. Will wait for a reply from DJI, I imagine they'll figure out the issue and push an update to fix it up.
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Flight distance : 360505 ft
United States

Manitobahunter Posted at 12-26 09:51
Thanks for checking it out and verifying its not unique to my drone. Will wait for a reply from DJI, I imagine they'll figure out the issue and push an update to fix it up.

Don't have to thank me. It was a beautiful morning to fly!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2013891 ft

Hey DJI , here we have a confirmed bug. May you put it in maintenance backlog ?
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Flight distance : 360505 ft
United States

FabioV Posted at 12-26 14:00
Hey DJI , here we have a confirmed bug. May you put it in maintenance backlog ?

Noticed there was a software update for DJI fly tonight.
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Went out flying again today, and will say where I had previously seen a pattern, where the AR H in a circle homepoint would disappear completely after using the auto active shots, its now coming and going with no real pattern except it seems to consistently disappear at the 20 meter mark when decending even when it is functioning properly, so maybe as intended in this case. Once I used the auto active shots feature, it always began to disappear and reappear randomly throughout the flight. If I land and restart the drone, it returns to normal function and displays the AR H in a circle homepoint consistently until I again use the new feature. When I hit return to home, the drone seems to return to home on its own and find the pad and land consistently, regardless of it displaying the home point on the pad, a good thing....
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DJI Tony

Hi there. I will forward this issue to the related team to check. Will it be fine if you post the footage showing the issue? You can upload it to Google Drive or YouTube and then paste the link here. We appreciate your patience.
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DJI Tony Posted at 12-27 01:32
Hi there. I will forward this issue to the related team to check. Will it be fine if you post the footage showing the issue? You can upload it to Google Drive or YouTube and then paste the link here. We appreciate your patience.

Good morning, unfortunately I don't use google drive or have a you tube account, and I'm off to work  shortly, but I'll do my best to post a few screen shots here. I've described ithe issue at length in several posts here, and have a couple you tube content creators looking into it as well.
Here's what it should look like:

Heres what it looks like after using the auto active shots feature:

Here's it displaying the home point bright yellow H around the controller screen correctly:

Here's me tipping the gimbal down a couple seconds later to be able to see my landing pad, the black square, as you can see the H around the outside border is gone, but the H in the circle with a dot home point hasn't appeared:

This is my homepoint/take off pad in case theres any confusion about that, this is while using auto active shots:

I'll add that yesterday when I was flying, the AR homepoint, Yellow H in a circle with a dot, was randomly appearing and disappearing for a split second through my flights, after using auto active shots. If I restart the drone and just go fly around as I normally would, the AR homepoint functions as it always did before the udate.

Thanks for the quick reply during the holiday season

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Will add more info here, I was out flying a couple times today. Was very foggy at about 90 meters but otherwise a nice day. What I did was try out the manual active shots features, and the AR homepoint works normally after all of them without a restart of the drone. It's only the auto active shots feature thats causing the AR homepoint to go missing after using it, requiring me shut down the drone and restart it for the AR homepoint to function again.
As a side note, I did see the controller displaying a red or yellow band at the bottom of the screen warning me I was around 2 meters away from the ground, which was not correct as I was easily 10 plus meters in the air at the time over a flat grassy surface. I'll reserve judgement on that one though, as it was a foggy day and its possible fog or mist fooled the sensors.

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DJI Tony

Manitobahunter Posted at 12-27 07:39
Good morning, unfortunately I don't use google drive or have a you tube account, and I'm off to work  shortly, but I'll do my best to post a few screen shots here. I've described ithe issue at length in several posts here, and have a couple you tube content creators looking into it as well.
Here's what it should look like:

Thank you very much for your very detailed information. I have already forwarded it to the related team to confirm. I will keep you posted. We appreciate your patience.
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DJI Tony Posted at 12-31 02:56
Thank you very much for your very detailed information. I have already forwarded it to the related team to confirm. I will keep you posted. We appreciate your patience.

Thanks for the reply, thats what I need to hear
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Going to add yet another bit of info here. So yesterday, after flying around for some time, and the AR homepoint working as it should, I went down over a lake at a couple meters negative altitude from the hill I was flying off of, come back up to a higher altitude, and guess what, the AR homepoint has gone missing. Flew back to my landing pad area, then turned and flew off into to the distance, turn back around after seeing the H reappear on the screens edge and the AR home point has reappeared. I chaulked it up to maybe loosing the GPS lock as I went down low over the lake close to the hill, although no warning popup occured.
Being as I want to figure this out, I went out flying again today at a location with km's of open spaces, surrounded by the occasional mountain or two. This is BC, Canada, its hilly to say the least, and spent some time, cruising around, flying up mountains, swooping back towards my landing area, and all was good in AR homepoint land. And then I went down to 50 meters AGL or so, across an open area, over some trees and into another large open area, we're taking several hundred meters away, and turn around to head back and the AR homepoint is nowhere to be seen. Flew back to my landing area, and flew around a bit and it never re appeared. So I landed, swapped batteries, take off and fly a ways away, turn around and there it is in all its glory, shining its bright yellow H like a beacon to my homepoint.
So while the auto active shots feature seems to consitently kill the AR homepoint entirely until a restart, there seems to be more going on here, as I haven't used that feature in the last couple days.  

After reviewing the videos with my buddy Mike, who also has a mini 4 pro, he noticed something interesting. When the H traveling around the displays border should transition to showing the AR homepoint, (H in a circle with a dot), that's when it disappears or should I say fails to appear. As I was approaching my landing pad at about 14 meters away, the AR homepoint flashed on for a second, and the disappeared again. Mikes theory is that the buggy instruction is the transition frame where it should appear as I turn towards the homepoint, (having the H disappear off the edge of the frame and become the AR homepoint), and when the next bit of instruction says it should actually disappear when I get too close to my landing pad and it would normally disappear. (in this case it actually flashes on for a fraction of a second and then goes through its instruction to fade out). What do you think?

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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

I am having the same issue.  "H" marker on the screen intermittently disappears.  It typically happens after I have flown back and forth in front of myself several times.  Does not seem to happen if I keep the drone pointed at me with the actual home point visible.  I've never actually seen the "H" disappear when the home point is visible in the frame.   

I have tried calibrating the aircraft compass, aircraft IMU, and controller compass. I have updated to the latest aircraft firmware 01.00.0300.  

Once the H disappears I can make it re-appear by doing the following.  Slowly fly towards the home point.  At about 60 feet distance the H symbol will briefly flash.  Then if I back away from the home point the H will re-appear at 70-80 feet and remain.  Again, flying back and forth in front of  myself will make the H disappear (when the camera is not facing the home point).  And again, the H can be made to reappear by approaching the home point until the H briefly flashes and then backing away until the H becomes stable again.   

GPS seems very stable.  Return to home works perfectly even if the H has disappeared.

Here is a video screen capture of the process I described above.  Watch it on YouTube to get a list of relevant time stamps. Click on the  ...more  button to get time stamps for the events described above.

So it seems like a bug, right?  Like just a cosmetic thing with the H not appearing.  That said, if everyone were having this problem I would think we'd hear more complaints about it.  Thoughts?

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Thank you Coconut Drone, this had been driving me crazy trying to figure this out for over a month! Your video shows exactly the behavior I'm seeing. Take off and everythings working, AR homepoint shows correctly, and I can usually have it work for a couple fly by's and then poof, its gone, and flashes on briefly at the point it would normally fade out, as you've shown when you get close to the homepoint. Next time I'm out flying, I'll try your backing away trick and see if I can duplicate it. It would be nice if DJI would fix this, I feel the AR homepoint is worth far more to me than any of the recent flashy features. It's worth noting that when I use my Integra goggles and motion 2, the AR homepoint works perfectly. I have the video set to private, but will post it here so people on the forum can view it, you need to click on the watch on you tube link.
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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

"H" Marker More Likely To Disappear During Aggressive Flight

I have been having the feeling that the "H" marker disappearing is somehow related to the nature of the flight itself.  This test seems to bear that out.  This video capture shows an intentional gentle flight in Normal mode until about 9:30.   I then switch to Sport mode and start banging the sticks around (i.e. flying aggressively) and within a minute the "H" disappears.   I am able to bring the "H" back by slowly approaching the home point until the H briefly flashes and then backing away slowly until the "H" reappears steady (as before in the last video).  I again fly around gently in Normal mode and the "H" marker continues to appear as normal.  Flight ends with a normally functioning RTH.

So here are my current observations about the "bug" (if that's what it is).
1. The disappearance of the "H" marker happens during aggressive high acceleration moves when the home point is not visible in the display.
2. Even with the "H" marker gone, RTH works fine.
3. The "H" marker can be made to reappear by slowly approaching the home point until the "H" flashes briefly at a distance of 60 feet and then backing away until the "H" appears and is stable.

DJI, would you please jump in here.  Is this a firmware bug or is something wrong with my aircraft or controller?  

To see the relevant time stamps, watch in YouTube and  Click on the ...more button.

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Definitely not something wrong with your aircraft and controller, although I thought maybe the same when I first saw this happening after the December update. I had my drone for a couple months prior and the AR homepoint worked perfectly until the December update, its a firmware bug. I'm also able to verify this as I have the Integra goggles and motion 2 controller, and no amount of aggresive flying in fpv mode causes the AR homepoint to disappear with the goggles and motion controller, it works perfectly at all times. I also never fly in sport mode. Its either in the RC2 firmware or the drone firmware used with the RC2. I haven't had a chance to get out and see if backing away restores my homepoint as its been raining and snowing here all weekend. And yes the return to home works fine, regardless of it displaying the AR homepoint, The firmware knows where the homepoint is, it just fails to display the AR homepoint at the frame where the yellow H moves off the edge of the display, and should display the H in a circle at the homepoint, until such time as one reaches the distance from the homepoint where it would normally fade out, and it then flashes on for an instant and then fades out. I can get it to return to normal operation every time by landing and powering off and on the drone, and then it will work until, as you showed in your video, it doesn't. I've tried flying over to the homepoint, hovering a meter above it and resetting the homepoint and it has no effect. Bit of a puzzle
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DJI Tony

Coconut Drone Posted at 1-31 19:11
I am having the same issue.  "H" marker on the screen intermittently disappears.  It typically happens after I have flown back and forth in front of myself several times.  Does not seem to happen if I keep the drone pointed at me with the actual home point visible.  I've never actually seen the "H" disappear when the home point is visible in the frame.   

I have tried calibrating the aircraft compass, aircraft IMU, and controller compass. I have updated to the latest aircraft firmware 01.00.0300.  

Hi, Coconut Drone. Sorry about the trouble. I have sent you a DM requesting some information needed to escalate this. Please kindly check your inbox. Thank you for your patience.
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Flight distance : 12936 ft
United States

FabioV Posted at 2023-12-25 13:57
Yesterday I had the same issue. I fixed it on the flight, just updating the home point. But it seems to be a firmware bug.

wouldn't that change the home point to where the drone was at the time in flight?  
Use props
Flight distance : 12936 ft
United States

      # me too        ............................................
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2013891 ft

Frunobulax Posted at 2-6 08:34
wouldn't that change the home point to where the drone was at the time in flight?

It changes the HP to whatever position you want
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 25188186 ft

Haven't noticed this.
Which DJI Fly app version are you using? Latest drone firmware?
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Its the 2023/12/21 update that allowed use of the goggles and motion 2. Prior to that my AR homepoint worked flawlessly I've refreshed the firmware on both my Mini 4 and RC2 using the Assist 2, and it had no effect at all. It would be interesting to know if someone using the RCN2 and a phone also has the issue, or if its strictly with the RC2 involved.
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DJI Tony/Coconut Drone, So first day with a few sunny spots in quite a while here, and I had an hour off for lunch. So I grabbed a coffee, and went out to a local park for a quick fly. Decided to just use the RC2 and see if I could duplicate Coconut Drone's backing away and approaching to make the AR homepoint reappear thing.
So I take off, flying away to some distance and altitude and I notice the yellow H is missing from the edge of the RC2 screen, and I remember that last time I took videos off the drone, I'd decided to just turn the AR homepoint off and fly with the radar map same as I always did, rather than being frustrated some more.
So I go into the settings menu while the drones in the air, and turn the AR homepoint back on, and it appears and do you think I could make the bloody thing disapppear? I flew back and forth until I had to go back to work and it stayed on. So after work, in the dark.... although Kelowna is a pretty brightly lit city, I decided to give it another go. Flew back and forth for half an hour, even a km away and back, and no way could I make the AR homepoint disappear.
I didn't get a chance to try using auto active shots as it was already dark this evening, but immediately after my first use of that feature a month and a half ago now, is when I first noticed the AR home point go missing. So whether it went missing when I updated in December, and it and it just took the length of time till after I tried out the auto active shot feature for me to see it missing, or it is related to using the feature, I have yet to determine. Before today, I could always fly for a few minutes with it working, and then it would just vanish.

It's interesting to note that I've refreshed the firmware on both the Mini 4 and RC2 using the DJI assistant about a week ago, and it had no effect whatsoever on the AR homepoints behavior of dissapearing after a few mnutes of flying. This would indicate to me that the firmware installs with this issue and it may be possible to fix it by turning off the AR homepoint in settings, powering off and then powering up the drone and RC2 with the AR homepoint still off, and then turning it on mid flight or possibly just when ones ready to take off.

If I can, I'll try using auto active shots tomorrow and see what happens, and report here in the evening.
Coconut drone, if you want to try something. What I did was turn the AR homepoint off in settings when I had both the drone and RC2 powered up at home, then turned off the drone and controller. I went out to fly with the AR homepoint still turned off, and while it was in the air, turned the AR homepoint back on, and now it seems to be working.
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Will add another bit of info here. Bright sunny day, and I had an hour for lunch again, so I flew back and forth a few times again and AR homepoint remained working. I did a quick active shot sequence and the AR homepoint remained on through the whole thing. After that I flew back and forth across my homepoint, which is what seemed the easiest way to make it go missing before and it remained displayed. I landed and turned the drone off, and RC2 off. Then powered them back up and flew back and forth a few times and so far the AR homepoint is remains working!
So just to be clear, I had switched the AR homepoint button on and off in settings many times trying to get it to work, and nothing changed. I did it while the drone was on the ground, I did it while the drone was flying. I refreshed the firmware on both the mini 4 and RC2 with the DJI assist software, and nothing changed.
What seems to have made the difference is I had to turn the AR homepoint off, then power everything off, then take off with the AR homepoint still turned off in settings, and then turn the AR homepoint on in settings while the drone was in the air. Previously I had always landed and powered eveything down with the AR homepoint turned on in settings.
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Another short post, went out flying for a bit today, used auto active shots twice with no affect on the AR homepoint, its working as it should. So it appears all I had to do is turn the AR homepoint off, then power off the drone and controller, power back on with the AR homepoint in settings still off, and then turn it back on with the drone in flight. Seems like something in the Dec update can mess it up and the above procedure fixes it. Look forward to hearing if this works for other people having the issue!
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United States

I also lost all Home Point indications with SW Version 1.12.8.  Tried turning all AR off on the bench without putting it in the air.  Rebooted both controller and drone, turned all AR back on and shut all off.  Went out the next day and put in the air and all works now.  So you don't have to do this while in the air.  Trying active track also without any issues.
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Good to hear, and I would be overjoyed if I hadn't spent a couple hours flying today, and after about half an hour turned around to face the homepoint and AR homepoint is gone again. It went back to the same behavior where when I approach the homepoint to the distance where the AR homepoint will normally fade out, (about 20 meters or so), it will briefly flash on and then fade out as it normally should. So I immediately tried Coconut drones trick of backing up and away and sure enough the AR homepoint returned and continued to function for a while and then disappeared again, lol. So I landed, powered down the drone and controller, then back on and took off to about 10 meters high and turned the AR homepoint off in settings. Then I landed, powered everything off again, then restarted, and once in the air, I turned the AR homepoint on and it immediately reappeared, and worked till I landed as the battery was getting low.
After that I flew with the goggles till I finished a second battery and then called it as day as sun was setting.
I was really hoping I had solved the issue and could just attribute it to needing to reset the AR homepoint after the update messed it up, and honestly that I would never have to do another update, but it doesn't seem to be the case, and there are other issues at play here.
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Still waiting patiently on DJI to fix this, but recently learned from another member here how to get flight logs out of the RC2.
This log is for a video showing an issue with the AR homepoint I've been having since the December update. The flight log doesn't show anything relevant to the issue other than having a minimum of 23 satelites locked at all times. Whats happening is after flying around a bit, my AR homepoint goes missing, and pretty much have to land and power off and restart the drone to get it to reappear. At the 4:15 mark, thats the last of the AR homepoint we'll see as I pass over it, and the fly North and turn clockwise to face the homepoint, and as the yellow H comes off the right side of the screen, the AR homepoint fails to appear at my takeoff point, until I approach the landing area to the point where the AR homepoint would normally fade out, it re appears for a second and then fades out, you can see it at 5:13 in the video.

Here's a link to the screenrecording for the flightlog.

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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

DJI reports problem will be fixed in Future Update

I really like this feature and wanted to get to the bottom of the the intermittent behavior.  I pursued it with DJI Technical Support.  After some back and forth they directed me to send the aircraft and controller in for evaluation.  They found no issues with the aircraft or controller (RC2) so they sent the unit back to me and, of course, it still has the same behavior ("H" marker intermittently disappearing). But that was not the end of it, thankfully. Here are some excerpts from subsequent e-mail traffic between me and DJI Technical Support.

I have now received the feedback from our engineers and according to them, they have already located the specific issue and this should be fixed in the future App version (around April).

Question: is it the firmware in the controller or or the actual DJI Fly app? Or is it the firmware in aircraft?

In regards to the future update to fix the issue, it is related to the DJI Fly App. There will be a future App version to fix the issue.

So, fingers crossed we will have a solution in the near future.  

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Thats awesome, and thank you for pursing it directly with DJI!
I may have a workaround of sorts that I discovered that greatly reduced the disappearing act with my setup if you want to give it a try.
With my Mini 4 Pro using the Integra goggles and Motion 2 controller, the AR homepoint has always worked perfectly, but right from new I was constantly seeing an Interference in MC Location popup warning in the goggles display while flying. Annoying as it was flashing back and forth with the Not Using Bound Device popup warning, which was very distracting.
DJI saying the issue is in the fly app would support this as the goggles really don't use the fly app per say.
So I've always gone to great lengths to try and calibrate my drone and contollers in an area free from interference, out in the country away from wifi and with my phone and key fob some distance away in the car. Basically away from as much EMF and metal etc as possible.
So one sunny afternoon, I was getting frustrated with the Interference popup, and decided to recalibrate the Motion 2 in the backyard just to try it, an area with chain link fence, 27 wifi signals, metal pipes in the ground, and cloths line poles and houses close packed all around. i even calibtated the controller IMU on some concrete pads under the metal patio roof!
And the result was the Interference in MC Location popup is now completely gone.
So a few days later it occured to me, why not try the same trick with the Mini 4 compass calibration.
I calibrated the compass in the back yard, and guess what, first time out I flew 3 batteries through the thing before the AR home point dissappeared!
I once again tried your trick of backing up and away to make the AR homepoint reappear, and it would do that and then actually function again after, something I could never get it do before, and it had always required a restart to get it to function again after disappearing.
Since then, I've been able to for the most part, to fly without it dissappearing. I was out last night, flew a battery through it and it worked fine the whole time. If nothing else a huge improvement.
Thanks again for contacting DJI on our issue, I'll watch for the fly app release and make sure it works before turning my wifi back on in the RC2, lol.
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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

I have had the feeling that the issue with the home point "H" disappearing is somehow linked to the compass calibration.  One thing I have found frustrating about calibrating the compass on the controller is that often when you request to do a calibration it skips over the process and gives you an instant "Complete" message.  I'm assuming it has some way of assessing the quality of the existing calibration and will not let you go through a new calibration if the old one is "good enough".  Have you found a way to defeat that logic and force a new calibration on the controller?
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Unfortunately I've never been able to get the RC2 to allow a compass calibration. It starts the calibration and then goes directly to done. I'm thinking DJI is concerned about coverage for flyaways or something, as the controllers compass calibration seems to have a broader area as to what it considers ok compared to the drone. I've posed the question on here and not gotten a real answer. The one guy says put it on top of the dryer when its on and it will ask you for a calibration, lol but I'm not going to do that. I did have my RC with the Mini 3 Pro ask me with a popup for a calibration one time and I did it succesfully, but I've never gotten a request from the RC2.
On a plus note, my AR homepoint issue appears to have been solved by my last drone compass calibration in the backyard. It's been working fine ever since, although I've noticed my drone doesn't seem to have as fine a control over its landing location on the pad. Since the December 2023 update, it has different behavior in its landing sequence.
If landing at night, the auto landing light comes on much lower than it originally did, reducing landing accuracy.
The gimbal which has tilted down to allow the AR landing shadow now tilts up too soon, reducing the drones ability to make last second visual adjustments to where it lands, not helpful in windy conditions, which is pretty much always....
I'd speculate that I could continue doing compass calibrations to improve the landing accuracy, but I'm presently enjoying having my AR homepoint working correctly and don't want to mess with it.
I'm not sure if I'll do the upcoming April fly app update if I have things working correctly. Last time I refreshed the firmware on the Mini 4 and RC2, the Assist 2 had the option in it to refresh to the Dec 21, 2023 update, or to apply the latest 1.12.8 fly app where they added further garbage to the start screen seemingly to help EU folks find a place to fly and pad DJI's liability coverage. I had updated to 1.12.8 but just refreshed to the Dec 21 update. DJI has since removed the ability to do this and the Assist 2 only shows the latest 1.12.8 update.
Will see what the April update offers and if its an improvment or just more useless add on's and a further overload for the processor.
I've been looking at Autel drones, but their nano+ controller still uses a phone, and they have their own BS warning crap floating all over the screen.

I like a puzzle, so in some ways its been fun working to fix these issues, but summers here and I'd like to return to flying

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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

RC2 Controller App upgraded from 1.12.8 to 1.13.0
RC2 Controller Firmware upgraded from 02.00.0500 to 02.02.0000
Aircraft Firmware upgraded from 01.00.0300 to 01.00.0400

Flew for about 45 minutes today and "H" marker was present the whole time and well behaved.  The compass in the lower left corner of the screen seemed somewhat smoother and less "nervous".  

Also, the "Flight Safety Tips" message displayed at first takeoff is gone now, thankfully.  

Fingers crossed that this is the end to the issue.

UPDATE 4/16/24
Flew for another hour today.  Still working perfectly.  I really do enjoy being able to count on this feature.  

Update 4/17/24
Flew another 40 minute session today.  Still perfect with no hiccups.  

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Right on, strangely enough after I re calibrated everything in my backyard a couple months ago, the whole thing has worked fine ever since and now I'm hesitant to update the thing
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Coconut Drone Posted at 4-15 16:09
RC2 Controller App upgraded from 1.12.8 to 1.13.0
RC2 Controller Firmware upgraded from 02.00.0500 to 02.02.0000

Are you going to purchase the googles 3?
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Coconut Drone
Flight distance : 396486 ft
United States

I really do have my eye on the Goggles 3 as well as the AVATA 2.  My glasses prescription is +4.5 with a bunch of astigmatism and I haven't decided how to deal with that in the Goggles 3.   I'm considering the custom prescription lenses from HONSVR or RHO-lens.

And here is a video that shows that the -2.0 lens included with the Goggles 3 does indeed come out of its frame so you can install your own corrective lens.
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I'm thinking just get the Avata 2 fly more kit, and then will be able to mix and match... I picked up Hons VR lenses for my Integra goggles and it made a big difference. The factory lenses have visible edge distortion and the Hons VR lenses are an improvement. I just got the zero lenses, no prescription so my buddy Mike could wear his contacts. I have a weak prescription so I can get by without it.
There are some real improvments in the goggles 3 and I'm looking forward to trying them out, when I get them I'll order Hons VR lenses right away.
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