Flight distance : 312090263 ft
United Kingdom
Johnnokomis Posted at 12-26 17:43
I don't have any experience with the RC 2 but the one weekend I used the original RC was pretty terrible. Maybe I'm just too used to the RC Pro. Between long boot up times, laggy response time to user inputs, cheap flimsy feel to it, dim screen in sunlight etc. It would be much better and also cheaper to get the kit with an RC-N1/N2 and get a $100 dedicated Android phone to keep in it. Faster, brighter, bigger, SDK support, ability to add a sim for mobile data etc. This would be a much better way to fly imo.
ts really odd what a mix bag of reviews these RC/RC2 controllers are getting, Ive flown my a lot this year, approx 30 million feet and dont have any of these issue with it, ontop of that getting an android phone for SDK support is pointless as none of the consumer drones going forward are getting SDK support. |