udovich Posted at 1-5 06:03
They are not that different. how many accidents were caused by drones, and how many accidents were caused by speeding. why don't they limit the speed of vehicles to 150km/h, maybe because the car industry is very powerful in politics.
It's all connected. I am of the opinion that an individual should be responsible for his actions. limiting the height of drone flight has nothing to do with safety other than controlling and restricting drone users.
An excerpt from the EASA web site:
So in the A1 open subcategory, a major simplification was added when operating C0 drones, by having no requirement for training for remote pilots, no mandatory geoawareness, and no mandatory remote identification. This simplifies things a lot! However, such simplifications were compensated by more strict operational requirements such as the hard 120 m height limit. If we allow remote pilots using C0 drones to unlock the system and fly higher without an understanding of the possible risk, which is given during the A1/A3 online training, this has the potential to cause an accident.
I think they forgot "no mandatory 3rd party insurance" for remote pilots.
Anyone who doesn't like the limit should either buy a C1 drone or reclassify the Mini 4 as C1 when made available by Dji.