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Huge price cut
3707 21 1-8 23:01
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At the moment there is a huge price reduction of over £110 off the OA4 so I went to buy it. Before I did I watched some very good comparison videos of the OA3 compared to the 4 and I actually decided I like the fottage from the 3 better than the 4.

This video clinched it for me. I won't be getting the 4 as I have 2 nr 3,s

Any one else agree

1-8 23:01
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United Kingdom

Huge price drop may indicate the 5 is coming soon.  
1-9 01:50
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

As she said in the final section,  if you aren’t that bothered about picture quality, the 3 will do fine. But better picture quality, slightly better audio and better low light comes from the 4. Tamara said as much at the end. I noticed those three things from the start when I moved from the 3 to the 4.

DAFlys, you have me thinking now.... what could they do to the 4 to get it even better? I now use mine a lot because it's a great little camera but dare I say ..... 1 inch sensor? Depth of field and close focus might start up again though ......

With that level of drop, the Action 4 is a great buy. Thanks for highlighting it. I might get a spare!
1-9 01:52
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United Kingdom

£289 on Amazon at moment for the OA4, decided to pull the trigger and get one after using action 2 for a while.
Action 3 also got a bit of discount at £239 though Amazon from Carmarthen cameras.
Good time to upgrade DJI action cameras
1-9 05:45
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United Kingdom

I was very tempted but when I watched the video above where she had Camera 1 and 2 I thought that to my eye camera 2 which turned out to be the OA3 looked better The video actually seemed more vibrant on the 3. I have 2 No 3's and use them quite a lot so have not bought a 4 cos I thought I would be disappointed. the price is very good but still the best part of £300.  
1-9 07:52
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As some of you guys know, I sold my OA3 and bought 2 OA4's and I feel it is a way better camera. OA3 is really good indeed, but they have fixed alot on OA4.

1-9 14:46
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United States

Based on the video - the OA4 clearly has better picture quality.  So if that is important to your videos - get the OA4.  Not many Youtube comparisons have shown otherwise.  But some that have the Action 3 stay steadfast thinking otherwise.  The larger OA4 sensor size does actually help especially in lower lighting conditions.  Which is normal.  Any larger sensor typically will generate a more pleasing video vs a smaller sensor.
1-9 17:06
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DAFlys Posted at 1-9 01:50
Huge price drop may indicate the 5 is coming soon.

Too early for an Action 5. The 4 isn’t even six months old yet.
1-9 17:47
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Second Officer

The main reason for upgrading from OA3 to the OA4 is the significantly better sound recording.  With the adventure kit you get 2x extra batteries and the charging case plus selfie stick for €100 more.

I think the next generation of Osmo Action will have an AI chip
1-9 18:59
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1-9 19:39
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I also noticed the big drop in price yesterday in Japan. -24% for OA4, -23% for OA3, -27% for Pocket 2. Only -1% for Pocket 3.
Looking at the sales ranking in Japan (action cameras), Pocket 3 is Number 1 (a big hit for DJI!), but OA4 is and has been almost always below all the 3 last GP, below all the 3 recent Insta360, and even below the Pocket 2.
So my guess the reason is just to deal with competition. Seems too early for OA5. BTW, OA3 and did not drop significantly before OA4 release. OA4 was just made more expensive than OA3.
Actually looking at the ranking again today, it seems to be working, OA4 has climbed a few steps up, passed GP9, Insta360 One X2 and Insta360 G3 overnight!

1-9 23:38
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osmonauta Posted at 1-9 19:39
@Iancraig10 - "what could they do to the 4 to get it even better"

- Add stabilization options to Hyperlapse. When you're using the neck mount, which can go sideways if you're not careful, having a HorizonBalance option to keep the footage straight would be helpful.

I think with recent developments, maybe a a larger sensor, but the close focus might suffer……

@Yaman-Python..... The price of the 4 now is way more competitive. Probably the surrounding competition affecting it.

1-10 05:33
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First Officer
United States

did it rise again.
1-11 04:10
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I have just bought one, could have bought the 3 a little cheaper but for a few quid more i decided on the 4, i then watched a video comparing the GP 11 and regretted the purchase a little but then comparing the price, it was a no brainer, for ma anyway, i can now bin the cheap action cameras, rubbish sound as they were muffled in the underwater casing. Its only for Kayaking so will suit me
1-11 07:32
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United States

there it is 299 now
1-14 04:29
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1-14 04:32
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united by water
United States

Yeah I just saw the price drop, the adventure combo is now $399 (was $499). I wonder if it's possible the OA 5 comes out early this year (like summer-ish time)....totally guessing on this!
1-14 17:44
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United States

united by water Posted at 1-14 17:44
I wonder if it's possible the OA 5 comes out early this year (like summer-ish time)....totally guessing on this!

If past history is any indicator, an OA 5 release would be August-September timeframe.
1-14 20:35
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Still discounted in the UK, i think it is until around the 25th, certainly on the DJI site.
1-15 17:35
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First Officer
United States

Yep after holiday or   is it Chinese New year holiday, a friend bought one. and that he will be happy!!!!
1-16 10:48
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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Congrats on the new cam.
2-14 23:48
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First Officer
United States

Still $300 here, think DJI wants the sales over the others
2-15 04:25
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