DJI Natalia
firatdede Posted at 7-8 12:37
Same problem here :/ Updated don't much help, I guess it is mostly hardware based failures. My basic phone records better than mic 2.. sadly.
Hi there, if you experience loud ambient or background noises while using DJI Mic 2, try the following three methods to resolve them:
Enabling the "Noise Cancelling" function:
1. After powering on the transmitter and receiver, select the transmitter on the receiver's screen that needs to enable the noise cancelling function, swipe up, and tap "Noise Cancelling". If the transmitter status indicator turns yellow and remains lit, it indicates that the noise cancelling function has been successfully enabled.
2. Press the power button on the transmitter. If the transmitter status indicator turns yellow and remains lit, it indicates that the noise cancelling function has been successfully enabled.
Enabling the "Low Cut" function:
After powering on the transmitter and receiver, swipe down on the receiver's screen and then swipe left to select "TX Settings". Tap "Low Cut" and "ON" to enable the low cut function.
* If the ambient noise is too loud, please install the windscreen, enable the low cut function, and use the intelligent noise cancelling function together.
Keep us posted. Thank you! |