Flight distance : 2674 ft
United States
I think the features on this mic are great, but the frequency response leaves something to be desired. For credibility, I review speakers and do system calibrations professionally.
I've compared the DJI Mic 2's response to a calibrated mic using pink noise on a point source speaker.
Initial Difference
This graph shows the difference between the two which disregards the actual response of the speaker itself, we're only looking at the delta. As you can see, there is a shallow bass roll-off below 100Hz which is ok for capturing the human voice, but I would argue that it would be better if it were allowed to capture down to 60hz with a steeper roll-off. More noticeable is the high-frequency treble roll-off that begins as low as 7.5kHz. Comparing the sound of the Mic 2 to the Rode mics, it's obvious that the Mic 2 lacks a bit of "air" and brilliance.
The After EQ image shows the difference between the calibrated mic and the frequency range and flatness that is reasonable to expect from the Mic 2 after EQ. I've tested the response with EQ and it sounds better. It does require +6dB of headroom since the EQ reduces the overall volume by -6dB on average.
Difference After EQ
I've created an EQ that can restore some of those frequencies with EQ. These are the Parametric EQ settings required to achieve the response. Ignore the graph in the back, that's the measurement of the speaker itself. Do notice, that the predicted response in blue closely matches the response of the calibrated mic in pink. The purple-colored graph above shows the original DJI Mic 2 measurement. It still rolls off around 11kHz, but that's better than the original 7.5kHz. I wish you would allow this mic to go up to 20kHz if possible. We can always apply low-pass or high-pass filters in post.
Parametric EQ Settings
I think that customers would like the sound better if this EQ was available via a firmware update.