Well, accidents happen sometimes, nobody is perfect. And I don't think that is even a terribly bad spelling error.
I know a couple that are way worse.
One was advertising free sample products in Finland. There was an error, where a small but significant error in spelling completely changed the impression of the offer. What it was supposed to say was "Ilmainen näyte" ("Free sample"), however the letters I and L had accidentally switched places in misspelling, causing the end result to be "Limainen näyte" ("Slimy sample"). Not exactly the mental image you want to give your customers, eh? 
Another one I encountered myself, as I was a patient in a hospital once. I was resting on my bed when one of the nurses told me to take a small walk around the inpatient ward, so my recovery would speed up a little. At the time, the ward was so full of patients, even the daytime hall reserved for meetings of patients and their relatives was reserved as a patient bedroom. As I walked toward the hall, I saw another nurse putting a sign on the hall door. She probably meant to write " Potilaskäytössä" ("In patient use"), but had written the words separately, causing the end result to be " Potilas käytössä" (" Patient in use"). I asked her who was the patient in use, and how are they using them. She didn't seem to like my question, and later on the same day, I noticed the typo had been fixed. I guess she got peeved enough to fix that.  |