Sandisk Extreme Pro 64 cards will work perfectly, they're more than up to the task. Order one for the controller and one for the mini 4. A note of interest is while I don't really need 256 gig and up cards, I bought 256's as they have a faster write speed than say a 32, 64, or 128 in most all brands, the 256 gig Sandisk Extreme Plus cards I am using now have a write speed of up to 140, plenty fast for 4K video. They are pretty much the same card as the Extreme Pro's. Take all your files off after each flight, and format the cards in the drone and controller with the controller. As DJI Tony mentioned, deleting files on the cards causes fragmentation, and slows down the writing process, which is what is really of concern here.
Here's what I do with my Mini 4 and RC2:
After I'm done flying for the day, I take the card out of the drone and use a card reader to copy the files to a folder on my PC, that way the drones not sitting there cooking away while the files are copied. I always eject the card from the PC, and then put the card back in the drone. Do the same thing to the controller if you like, but as they are smaller files, I usually just plug it into the PC with a USB cable and copy the files off that way, generally just my screen shots and screen recordings anyway. Eject the controller from the PC, and then turn on your drone. Once they're connected, use the controller to format the card in the drone, and then format the card in the controller. I clear all my cache files, and then next time I go flying, I start with a clean slate. It also keeps my files in some kind of sanity on my PC as I just make a new folder for each flying session, and things get organized on the fly with little effort required
There are several ways of getting the files off the drone and controller, try them all and then decide on your own method. |