The Ollie
Flight distance : 117694 ft
Jan Spacil Posted at 2-19 06:04
Maybe I don't understand this measurement quite right, but the difference between 67dB and 76dB means the Mavic would be eight times noisier, not twice ..
If you're referring to the power of a signal, you're right, that's 3dB twice as much, so 9dB is eight times.
Psycho acoustics probably behaves a little differently here, there 10bB feels like doubling.
According to my perception, it is actually twice as loud and not 8 times as you suggested.
This also corresponds to the following definition:
Sound level or noise level is a physical quantity measured with measuring instruments.
Loudness is a psycho-physical sensation perceived by the human auditory perception or the human ear/brain mechanism. That is not the same.
We are told by psycho-acousticians that a level 10 dB greater usually means "double the loudness" or "twice as loud".
A decibel is one-tenth of a bel, which is the logarithm of the ratio of any two energy-like quantities or two field-like quantities.
Ratio doubling means:
− a power level of +3 dB, or a sound intensity level of +3 dB
− an electric voltage level of +6 dB, or a sound pressure level of +6 dB
− a loudness level of about +10 dB
−10 dB more SPL means 10 times increase in amplifier (electric) power.
In the newsgroups these often misunderstood statements are explained rather less accurately. Decibels can also mean dBSPL or dBA, while a level change is always in dB. The perceived loudness of the sound depends on several factors: the amplitude, the sound pressure level, the frequency, and the time behaviour of the sound. A typical question on the internet: "Is 3 dB or 6 dB double the loudness?"
The answer is: "It is neither 3 dB, nor 6 dB − it is closer to 10 dB". | Source reference: Sound technology calculator |