Nexus Redux
Flight distance : 11737680 ft
It started with a thread of another pilot here about a drifting yaw during hyperlapse, which mostly occured in dark hours when the vision sensors were disabled. After lots of night flights and tests I became aware that the mini 4 Pro has in general a drifitng problem when its getting dark. Last night I did a test with a friend: he flew his mini 3 pro beside my mini 4 pro and guess what: the mini 3 pro was standing very stable and accurately on the spot while the mini 4 pro was always drifting a bit. As soon as I moved it only a bit, it took her long to stand stable again.
We flew in 115 meters, almost no wind. (And yes, everything calibrated, latest firmware, da da da da). We started at sunset both drones performing very similar and when it got darker and the mini 4 pro disabled the vision sensors due to darkness, then the drifitng started.
So its clearly related to the disabled vision sensors on Mini 4 pro - why this doesnt happen with the Mini 3 pro, which has also those sensors - just not 360 degrees? And we couldnt figure out at all, why the vision sensors play such an important 'stabilizing' role in the programmnig of the mini 4 pro - as those are completely useless when u fly high above ground as we did. Does the mini 3 pro more rely on GPS satellites for positioning? Its a shame the mini 4 pro is performing here worse than its predecessor.