Apple computer questions
1228 14 2015-9-12
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l've never owned an Apple computer, but always hear people raving about them. Since they're a fair chunk of money (single income here) l don't want to jump in if it's unwarranted.
lt's time for a new computer anyway, so it's not like it's an expense that can be avoided, it's the extra, the difference in price between Apple and PC, that l'm trying to find out if it matches the same difference in performance. Will l get what l pay for l guess is what l'm asking?

On my PC l'm using Premiere Pro and would prefer to have Final Cut Pro X - one time payment versus having to shell out $50/mo. l've already heard rave reviews, l know that's worth the money and is a huge motivator to switch to Mac.

lf anybody's willing to give their views - pros or cons or both, l'd appreciate it.
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I switched from PCs to Macs in '98, and I'm really glad I did I love the Mac, but it's a bit pricier than a PC (but only a bit in the end). I'm about to buy a new iMac (video editing) and it'll be the top end one. As for Premier Pro, I use PP 6, and I'll not go the subscription route either. I actually WON a year's subscription to the complete suite, but I won't actuate it, because it'll be impossible to switch back to CS 6. As for FCP X vs PPro, I'd say it's a toss up. I like PPro because it's easy to just drag ANY media format into it, no transcoding ever. I don't think FCPX does that yet.
BTW, with an iMac, you're also getting a 27" monitor in extreme res, so that's worth just over a grand by itself.
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It is not especially a matter of performance : Apple computers don't have better parts than PC's. Sometimes it is even the opposite (like overpriced iMac with 5400rpm hard disk !!!)
It is more a matter of user experience, stability over time, ... If it takes 30 seconds to start a Mac today, it'll take the same 30 seconds in 4 or 5 years.
As a PC developper, I have always used PC's and when I began photography in 2004, I bought a Mac. Since 4 years now, I use only Apple computers (running my Windows Bootcamp partition in VMWare for the software I develop for my customers) and don't want a PC anymore.
Yes, they are way overpriced but when you'll change your Mac you'll be able to sell it back at a very high price (a several years second hand iMac or Macbook has usually a selling price far higher than a brand new PC).
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This is by far one of the biggest controversies out there, the PC versus Mac conundrum. I was PC engrained for over 15 years. Fantastic for gaming, hands down beats the chops off Mac. Being in the print and publishing industry, it goes without saying if you're looking at editing and graphic output the Mac is the way to go. You get a solid operating system that comes pretty well stacked out the box, and iOS is stable, free of a million unwanted apps that chew resources needed to expeditiously run your editing platforms. Mac is design centric, responds with gorgeous simplicity, takes getting used to after a life of PC indulgence, and on a score card rating sits at the top of the charts with a 10/10 for the graphic/editing hobbyist/professional alike. Running CC, I like Premiere, Final Cut Pro does however, have a bunch more user friendly plugins to play with, whereas Premiere while by far more robust is in my opinion leaning toward the professional. Mac won't lag, freeze or crash unexpectedly. If it's quality and stability you're looking for and your budget allows, I would go Mac all day long.

You've invested in a fantastic flying piece of technology that packs a 4k punch at a significant cost, don't skimp on your post editing platform. If your pocketbook can afford it, go with an iMac.
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The most compelling factors for me were the following:

1. The computer AND the operating system are made by the same company; they run great together, without ANY issues or conflicts.
2. In your first year, you have access to Apple Help people, and they answer instantly.
3. The Apple Store does not even sell virus software. They recommend NOT using it. What does this tell you? Of course they are NOT immune, but are much less risky, depending on browser filters etc. The operating system is built on the UNIX kernal which is one of the most secure out there. Imagine - Virus and malware protection not running in the background with constant updates and eating resources!
4. You do not have to sacrifice your expensive PC software; as Ulysse mentioned, simply bootup Windows (W 7 Professional is best choice I think) in Bootcamp to have FULL resources of your machine available (there are other alternatives to this, that actually do not require separate bootup, but these SHARE resources between Mac and MS).
5. And this is a BIGGIE...the Mac will not start up God-Knows-How-Many processes in the background when you boot up, thus simplifying matters considerably. Bootup takes less than a minute, even after years go by.
6. The average length of ownership before replacement is about FOUR TIMES longer than a PC (according to most sources I can find).
7. One more thing, if you own other Apple devices (I do not), these talk to each other rather seamlessly.

The CONS are the (initial) price and that you generally cannot do upgrades yourself (SO GET WHAT YOU WANT in the beginning - anticipate a couple of years out). One more "con" is that prevailing opinion is that Games tend to work a lot better on a powerful PC.

I used PC's from 1984 until 2013, and even consulted on their use and networking, then was dragged kicking and screaming into the Apple World. While, yes, I occassionally use W7P in the Bootcamp partition (a couple of really expensive programs I did not want to simply dump), I will never look back. It is one of the best decisions I ever made. VERY happy camper here.

PS: You can get a VERY good deal buying what you want as "certified refurbished" FROM APPLE. Same packaging, Same warranty, Same help, brand new condition. My iMac 21.5 hi-rez mointor with 16GB Ram, 2.9/3.6 GHz Intel Quadcore processor, 1 TB disk drive (yes, it IS just 5400 rpm, but I don't notice any issues at all), 1 GB nvidea graphics card was about $225 less that way.

PPS: I use Adobe Premiere Elements 13 and it works fantastically well with plenty of grading tools, keyframes, etc. at about 100 dollars or less.

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Bartone Posted at 2015-9-12 12:23
I switched from PCs to Macs in '98, and I'm really glad I did I love the Mac, but it's a bit pricier ...

Thank you!
That's good to hear, and l hadn't considered the value of the monitor, that's a good point.
You're the first person l've heard say they prefer PPro over FCPX after using both. l'm not a photographer so the more professional side is lost on me. l'm looking for something more plug and play - easier with good results.
l think l've been talked into the Mac, thanks for sharing.
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Ulysse Posted at 2015-9-12 12:36
It is not especially a matter of performance : Apple computers don't have better parts than PC's. So ...

Thank you!
l had to look up Bootcamp, l didn't know what it was, but that's great at least until l'm used to the new format.
l hadn't considered selling price because l usually drive them into the ground (one of my current PCs is over 7 y o and functioning). lf they do have decent resale though that would make it worthwhile to keep upgrading. Thanks for the tip.
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QECadmin Posted at 2015-9-12 13:02
This is by far one of the biggest controversies out there, the PC versus Mac conundrum. I was PC eng ...

Thank you!
Fantastic, that is exactly what l was hoping to hear, the editing/graphic output part. Any new computer l buy will be dedicated to the videos l make so this sounds perfect for what l'm looking for.
Quality, stability, and longevity - yes, that's exactly what l'm looking for, thank you for your input.
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AerialLens Posted at 2015-9-12 13:24
The most compelling factors for me were the following:

1. The computer AND the operating system are ...

Thank you!
l've learned so much from this input. So there are no viruses that iMac is susceptible to? That would be huge! l've had to reformat 2 computers to date due to nasties.
Point number 4, l had no idea before starting this thread that that was even an option, that's better than expected.

- l have a question about the CON you noted. l've been debating between the slower i5 3.5 processor w/16GB memory which is roughly the same price as the faster i7 4.0 w/only 8GB memory. l'm leaning towards the 4.0 and plugging in another 8GB when l can afford it. Can this be upgraded later or are they only ported for what you buy initially?

Thanks for the last tip - that is perfect for me. l bought a refurb Lenovo laptop many moons ago that still performs flawlessly.
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My 2011 17" MACBOOK PRO IS STILL ROCKIN! Try looking at older MacBook Pros. You can get them at a reduced cost and easily upgrade it with ram and an SSD and you are good to go! I Have both a stout PC that I built myself and my macbook. Hands down I prefer my Mac to my PC when it comes to post production work.
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CapitAn Posted at 2015-9-12 13:54
Thank you!
l've learned so much from this input. So there are no viruses that iMac is susceptible  ...

Good questions.

Yes, (I suppose) a Mac can get a virus, but I think it is pretty rare. You may want to research it, but it is definitely nowhere near what can commonly happen to a PC at this point in time. NOTE: You will have to have somekind of protection (I just use a free basic virus filter there) on the W7P Bootcamp partition; after all, it is just like a PC on that side - BUT the good news is that it will not "talk" to the Mac partition, so don't worry about that.

My iMac is the i5 with 16GB and it is very fast rendering video (1080p in my case with the P3A); the processor also has a "Turbo 3.6 GHz" feature, which I cannot explain. Remember though, the 1 GB nVidea card plays a big role there, too. Regarding i7 comparison, I guess you may need to call Apple (they DO answer the phone).

And, finally, if you do want to upgrade later, perhaps the MacBook or MacBook Pro (rather than the "self-contained" iMac) is the way to go, as suggested by Gatorone30. GIANT decision.

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gatorone30@hotm Posted at 2015-9-12 14:00
My 2011 17" MACBOOK PRO IS STILL ROCKIN! Try looking at older MacBook Pros. You can get them at a re ...

Thank you.
l've never heard anyone say a bad word about Macs, l'm going to go for it. l'll start with a desktop  because that's what l need at the minute. l like the idea of used if they're so stable and reliable.
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AerialLens Posted at 2015-9-12 14:35
Good questions.

Yes, (I suppose) a Mac can get a virus, but I think it is pretty rare. You may wa ...

Thanks again. l just talked to someone and yes l can upgrade later to 16BG on my own, l won't have to take it in. l now have a link with instructions.

Thanks to all who took the time to respond, l appreciate it. Now l'm off to shop.
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You have got some good advice here. The Apple "ecosystem" can be a plus if you end up with other Apple devices like a phone, iPad other another computer since a lot of information between devices is shared and updated almost instantly.

I have the best of both worlds. I recently built a Hackintosh (OS X running on PC hardware). I have a very powerful system with components that can be upgraded at any time. However, it is not for the faint of heart.

Running : Intel I7 overclocked to 4.60 Ghz, 16 GB Gskill 1866 RAM, MSI Nvidia GTX 750 overclocked video card,  500 GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD (2), Hitachi 3TB HDD 7400 RPM, Dell Ultrasharp U2415 monitor 1920x1280.

There is something very nice about how Apple devices are designed from the ground up where the hardware and software are interwoven rather than the off the shelf approach of most PCs.

Good Luck!

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CapitAn, I do recommend an iMac - preferably with a 27" 5k monitor. That monitor alone would cost close to a grand, so while it seems expensive, it's a bargain. Minimum of 16 gigs of memory. You can also find some bargains on the 'refurbished' pages of the Apple store, though the savings will only be about 300 US dollars or so. I'm currently in the same boat - my desktop Mac was new in 2012, and though it's got a solid state 1tb main drive, it's too slow for 4k res editing. And the Phantom 3 Pro DOES do 4k. If I want to utilize that feature, it's time for a new Mac for me, too. Depends on your use, I guess, but if you're into video editing, on FCP get a strong iMac.
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