Does anyone calibrate their gimbal before each flight? I noticed after the latest firmware that the horizon is not level again. I got out my level and placed my Phantom on the most level surface in my house. I did an Auto-Calibration and it did fix the horizon level issue. BUT, when I turned the Phantom off and then back on, the horizon was not level again. Anyone else notice this?
your thread saved me asking the same question cant remedy the problem myself but don't worry we wont have to wait long before some of the guys respond come on sploodge, raykoni, redhotpoker, williewonka to name but a few who are worth listening to
no i dont do thr gimbal caliration everytime and yes i still had titled problem but not really bad, im just normal flyer so no big deal. Anyway did u tried to do the IMU caliration yet?
Ok, I just calibrated the IMU for the first time and auto-calibrated the gimbal afterwards. WOO HOO!! Fixed my issue! To confirm it was fixed, I powered down the Phantom and then powered it back on and horizon was still level. No need to re-calibrate every time! Thank you all for your help!
The horizon in your pic is not level. Was this a before or after? That amount of tilt drives me batty... I have to combat it every flight as well. Even after auto calibrating while in a solid hover, it goes in and out of level. At least we're not alone in these problems.!
This was after IMU calibration. You should have seen it before. It was pretty windy when I took this so I'm sure thats having some effect on it. When I had the Phantom at lower altitudes the horizon level was fine..