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Firmware Anamorphic Request for full sensor access
522 8 3-31 14:54
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United States

I was trying to undersand the new and soon to be released accessory anamorphic lenses and i remembered that the native sensor in the Pocket 3 was a 5:4 sensor that allows for a 3k vertical image for social media. The reason anamorphic looks so different on professional cameras vs current cameras is heavily impacted by the traditioal 2 to 1 squeeze to fit into the actutal ledgacy negative area on 35mm film. The actual used area was an aspect ratio of 1.2 with a very minor crop to acheive a 2.4 final image with a much wider image.

If a firmware addition gave us the option of a full sensor 1.2 aspect, a standard 2 to 1 anamorphic lens would yield an image with a vertical count of 3072 with a 3686 horozonal count to yeild a scope image that would be much more impressive than cropping the 9x16 image to imitate scope.
If processing power is an issue for the increased pixels, higher shutter speeds could be sacraficed since 24, 30 and a streach goal of 48 could be considered.

My hope is that DJI would consider this posibility for a firmware video format addition and challenge a friendly accessory company to develop in parallel the relatively simple 2 to 1 anamorphic adapter. It would be a cleaner wide angle rectilinear increase vs the current spherical accessories that need post correcton to look decent.

With the impressive dynamic range, gimbal stability and the petite profile of the Pockdt 3 with the color science of D-Log M eventually integrated into NLE's this would open up a new range of professional niche usage for this powerful tiny camera.

Perhaps if the right person reads this it might happen.

3-31 14:54
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What if the aperture of the lens is calibrated so that the circle of light that hits the sensor is optimized for the 4K resolution aspect ratio (16:9)?  If this is true then there will be severe vignetting in the corners during full sensor read out.  

If only DJI can confirm this then it will just squash all the requests for open gate or full sensor read out.
4-1 06:14
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United States

insert.coin Posted at 4-1 06:14
What if the aperture of the lens is calibrated so that the circle of light that hits the sensor is optimized for the 4K resolution aspect ratio (16:9)?  If this is true then there will be severe vignetting in the corners during full sensor read out.  

If only DJI can confirm this then it will just squash all the requests for open gate or full sensor read out.

It is a possibility that coverage was optimized but given the very flat field full width 9 x16 image and the 3K vertical also very flat, the vignette might well be acceptable especially in a 1:2.4 anamorphic ratio. Only DJI can know.
If a firmware addition was done the accessory world could jump in and I bet we'd see some home brew bashed lenses to confirm.
It would be a whole new game for budget filmmakers and a new disposable camera for pro folks who some times need to place a B camera in harms way.
Finally if there is vignetting as apposed to no image, most NLE's have a filter to address vignetter reversal.
4-1 11:45
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geo. Posted at 4-1 11:45
It is a possibility that coverage was optimized but given the very flat field full width 9 x16 image and the 3K vertical also very flat, the vignette might well be acceptable especially in a 1:2.4 anamorphic ratio. Only DJI can know.
If a firmware addition was done the accessory world could jump in and I bet we'd see some home brew bashed lenses to confirm.
It would be a whole new game for budget filmmakers and a new disposable camera for pro folks who some times need to place a B camera in harms way.

I think has been discussed in previous requests.

If the optimized 16:9 circle of light is true, there is doubts it will be available through a firmware update that allows vignetting.

Anyway, I have a feeling the the sensor is 4:3 aspect ratio and the true pixel width is 4096 (this number matches previous sensor pixel counts).  I think the hardware is so optimized to the 4K resolution and aspect ratio (16:9) that the internal video processing pipeline also outputs the official spec 4K width resolution (through some form of resize).  Anyway, that is just speculation as DJI does not seem to be interested in releasing the real specs of the sensor.
4-1 13:31
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United States

insert.coin Posted at 4-1 13:31
I think has been discussed in previous requests.

If the optimized 16:9 circle of light is true, there is doubts it will be available through a firmware update that allows vignetting.

Have you looked a the Square 3072 image... looks very flat.
If you overlay a still from 9x16 on top of a still from 1x1 it seems to point to a 5x4 sensor.
So unless there is a true cut off in that rather small area it seems possible.
DJI responding is another thing.
4-1 13:41
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geo. Posted at 4-1 13:41
Have you looked a the Square 3072 image... looks very flat.
If you overlay a still from 9x16 on top of a still from 1x1 it seems to point to a 5x4 sensor.
So unless there is a true cut off in that rather small area it seems possible.

I don't think overlays will tell us anything if there is some form of internal resize happening within the video processing pipeline.

DJI: if you watching this, just release the sensor specs ;)
4-1 13:45
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DJI Gamora


Hi, geo. Thank you for reaching out. We currently don't have any notification about the anamorphic lens accessories but we'll forward your suggestion to our relevant team. Thank you for your continued support.
4-2 02:47
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DJI Gamora Posted at 4-2 02:47
Hi, geo. Thank you for reaching out. We currently don't have any notification about the anamorphic lens accessories but we'll forward your suggestion to our relevant team. Thank you for your continued support.

Hi , i try do a anamorphic diy lens!,
Pocket 3 ginbal can take about 5-7g !
i hope Dji will make one anamorpic lens in the future !
4-3 08:23
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DJI Gamora


tzsog Posted at 4-3 08:23
Hi , i try do a anamorphic diy lens!,
Pocket 3 ginbal can take about 5-7g !
i hope Dji will make one anamorpic lens in the future !

Hi, tzsog. Thank you for sharing your experience. We'd like you to know that we appreciate your valuable suggestions. We will forward your concern to our related department. All significant suggestions will be implemented after the evaluation of our relevant team. For the latest updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at ( ). Thank you for your understanding and support.
4-5 06:43
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