Flight distance : 28140 ft
United States
Purposely flying a way point mission, or any flight for that matter, out of radio controller range over a populated area, and above the FAA legal altitude of 400' AGL would probably be considered a 'Careless and Reckless' operation by the FAA. Of course if you have a P107 Certificate, you would know that.
While I applaud your testing the limits of your SUAV, you may want to consider doing it in a remote area, that way if your drone runs out of power and does a controlled (or uncontrolled) decent on top of persons or property, no innocent people are injured. Manned aircraft cannot legally fly lower than 500' over populated areas, so potentially wrapping your drone around a fixed wing manned aircraft at 600' would not work in your favor either. Even if you have insurance, they would probably 'Run for Cover' and deny any claim based on statements you have made in this thread, and in a public forum. Of course the FAA would probably thank you for making their job easy, especially if the aircraft you were operating has remote ID.
I see you have 17 satellites in view on your screen shot, and that is sufficient to take-off and mark your home point, however you may want to consider satellite signal degradation as a possible reason for your aircraft to be confused as to where it was in the airspace as it was trying to execute a RTH.
Fly Safe.
While I applaud your intentions to test your flying machine |