I almost crash my drone today because of the start the auto RTH after reaching 20% of battery.
I was flying in a visual mode INDOOR, without the googles and I didn't even heard the sound.
Happily today I watch videos so learn how to land on hand turning the drone... and I was too close the drone (less than 1 meters) being able to get it without injury and crash.
I was flying indoor (no gps), then I went to backyard (updated Home point), and I flew inside home again... so I was really close the RTH, so there weren't any reason to start it automatically.
Of course, there are room for improvements. Like:
Show alerts with 25%, make sounds in the google or control when it starts.
Do not update RTH when turning on with NO GPS (means that I’m flying indoor).
Or It should have the option to define indoor or outdoor flight, and based on this define the RTH settings, like for indoor just hover, do nothing... |