Flight distance : 1542323 ft
MKmini4 Posted at 5-4 02:16
Due to the C certifications and the associated weight limits, I believe it is the only way for DJI to ensure compliance.
DJI cannot know the weight of an aftermarket battery. Furthermore, there are certainly safety concerns regarding the risk of explosion or fire. For these reasons, only original batteries can be used.
I find this approach acceptable. DJI biedt ondertussen wel de mogelijkheid je mini 4 pro om te certificeren naar C1, waarna het gewicht er niet meer toe doet, tot 500 gram.
Jij sluit de mogelijkheid uit dat het -net als het blokkeren in printers van niet orginele cartridges van Canon, HP, Epson in hun printers, die na een aangespannen rechtzaak weer moesten werken- gewoon een ordinair verdienmodel is, waarvan de klant de dupe is? Ik heb de drone gekocht, die is niet meer van de Chinezen, maar van mij.
DJI now offers the option to certify your mini 4 pro to C1, after which the weight no longer matters, up to 500 grams. You rule out the possibility that - just like the blocking of non-original cartridges from Canon, HP, Epson in their printers, which had to work again after a lawsuit was filed - it is simply an ordinary revenue model, of which the customer is the victim? I bought the drone, it no longer belongs to the Chinese, but to me. |