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HELP - Avata 2 issues with jello/wobbly video from drone recording
1564 11 2024-5-3
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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom

Anyone having this issue? Its almost like there’s vibration from a damaged prop or something. I can confirm no issues with either. And goggles screen recording is fine, doesn't show jello/vibration on goggles screen recording. Sometimes its not really noticeable on low flghts then you see it happens again but some of the same clip its fine no wobble or jello. Could it be wind?  I posted the video on Reddit:

This was with stock settings recorded to drone memory no SD card was installed, Rocksteady and normal fov. 4k 30fps. Does Rockstready work in normal fov?

I tried to attatch a video here but its not working so please click the Reddit  link to see the video.

Its really driving me crazy.

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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom


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Dirty Bird
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 41442379 ft
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United States

This is usually caused by either a damaged or out--of-balance prop, a loose or damaged motor mount, or a damaged gimbal dampener.  It can also be caused if something is touching the gimbal or the gimbal has been bent or damaged.  Has the bird been crashed?

Carefully inspect the gimbal dampeners for tears.  Make sure it is completely seated in its retainer.  Check that all motor mount screws are tight.  Check that the motor cans are straight & level with the bases & rotate evenly.  Lastly remove & carefully  inspect the props.  Even slight damage can affect the balance & cause jello.  I would replace them all if everything else looks good.  

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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom

Dirty Bird Posted at 5-3 12:55
This is usually caused by either a damaged or out--of-balance prop, a loose or damaged motor mount, or a damaged gimbal dampener.  It can also be caused if something is touching the gimbal or the gimbal has been bent or damaged.  Has the bird been crashed?

Carefully inspect the gimbal dampeners for tears.  Make sure it is completely seated in its retainer.  Check that all motor mount screws are tight.  Check that the motor cans are straight & level with the bases & rotate evenly.  Lastly remove & carefully  inspect the props.  Even slight damage can affect the balance & cause jello.  I would replace them all if everything else looks good.

Could it have been wind? I see the same clip in the goggles feed as a wobble not jello the jello isnt on all of the clip from the drone only parts so maybe its wind?
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Dirty Bird
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 41442379 ft
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United States

250Flyer Posted at 5-3 13:00
Could it have been wind? I see the same clip in the goggles feed as a wobble not jello the jello isnt on all of the clip from the drone only parts so maybe its wind?

I suppose wind could induce an oscillation but your video looks like it was pretty intense.  I never experience this on any of my birds.  How often are you experiencing this?  I would be checking all the screws along with the things I mentioned.  Replacing the props works in many situations.  It may be a resonance is occurring between the set you have installed.  Try a few flights with Rocksteady turned off just to eliminate that as a possibility.  I believe it is available in all FOVs or it wouldn't be selectable.
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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom

The props are from the factory. I haven’t crashed to install any new ones. They are all perfect. I suspect wind because if it was props or damaged to motors it would be there 247 not come and go

Weather has been crap today I hope to get out later (Saturday) to do some more flights.
I only noticed the jello at 85m height and had a few high wind velocity warning just before it.

DJI should chime in here.

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Dirty Bird
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 41442379 ft
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United States

250Flyer Posted at 5-3 15:13
The props are from the factory. I haven’t crashed to install any new ones. They are all perfect. I suspect wind because if it was props or damaged to motors it would be there 247 not come and go

Weather has been crap today I hope to get out later (Saturday) to do some more flights.

You asked for help & I have given you several suggestions that typically alleviate issues with jello.  It would appear you don't really think it's a problem so I will leave you to figure things out.  G'day sir.
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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom

I hear you. I will fly again today and 4k 60 at a lower altitude see if it happens. It does come and go.

Will update this post later today
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out and we're sorry for the trouble. Kindly try to replace all the propellers that you are using and have a test flight to check if the issue persists. Before the test flight, you can also perform both IMU and gimbal calibration. Please keep us posted with the result. We appreciate your understanding.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Fly indoors and see if you get the same effect,   as DirtyBird said this is almost always a damaged prop,  doesnt need to be broken it could just be deformed or bent very slightly,   If it happens inside then swap the props to the spare ones that came with the drone.
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Flight distance : 3254058 ft
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United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 5-4 00:01
Fly indoors and see if you get the same effect,   as DirtyBird said this is almost always a damaged prop,  doesnt need to be broken it could just be deformed or bent very slightly,   If it happens inside then swap the props to the spare ones that came with the drone.

Update: No issues or jello inside.

Like I said, it only happens in part of that certain video clip it comes and goes, some of the recording is fine. I changed the props anyways but the ones I took off were carefully inspected and no difference from the new ones. No chips, scratches or marks either.

Took it out for 3 flights this morning had a few high wind velocity warnings flying around 25-40 meters high 4k 60 wide FOV and I cant see any jello.

I ran the old props briefly before changing them and same again the video was ok this time. Strange
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Nikolay Atanasov
Flight distance : 3815358 ft
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I also see jello in some cases, very dissapointing as I've never seen jello on Avata 1.

The drone is new, just 4 flights on it. Note that the jello is more pronounced only in certain situations and camera settings. All initial flights I did at 100fps and 1/200s shutter speed as well DJI's ND filter, there was no visible jello with those settings on interior or exterior flights. But on the last flight I've changed to 4K@29.97fps and 1/120s then I saw pretty obvious jello when the drone is hoovering. While drone is in motion it is not noticable.
1-3 00:53
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