Flight distance : 234961 ft
Yaros1 Posted at 9-8 14:36
I don't understand what do you mean by "Uncommon in Europe"? The days of NTSC vs PAL are by far gone! Everyone uses 30 and 60 nowadays, except movies shot at 24/25 FPS, but for consumer use we stick to 30/60 FPS. I don't see what's the big problem, I mean, you can always export it in 25FPS in post if you prefer.
As far as I know, DJI drones never supported 25FPS quickshots.
Dear Yaros1,
in general NTSC and PAL has nothing to do with frame rates, cause these are color coding technics of analog television signals. Nevertheless the terms are often mixed up with frame rates, cause NTSC and PAL are connected to American and European broadcast systems which define frame rates as well.
In Europe many broadcasters use 50 fps as the native production format. Furthermore 50 fps may be sufficient to acquire motion. 60 fps means 10 frames more content. But the bitrate is the same. As a consequence 60 frames have to be compressed in the same bitstream. From general point of view only 50 frames means more picture quality, cause more bandwidth (bitrate) for each frame. Another point is the exposure time, which is longer at 50 fps, thus more integration time and possible better exposure.
Furthermore frame rate conversion e.g. 60 fps to 50 fps suffers from worse picture quality, despite any software claims to have the perfect conversion algorithm without any drawbacks. To be honest this is not possible from theoretical point of view.
My initial request was a remark that the drone does not support frame rates in several flight modes although the drone supports the rates in other modes. Thus the drone is capable to capture in e.g. 50 fps.
This thread is not a discussion about how meaningful it is to capture in 25, 30, 50 or 60 fps. The choice of the frame rate setting shall be a decission of the user.
This is a discussion about a limitation of the drone firmware.
Kind regards