 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
t for years it was a standard feature on DJI drones
Serg SSA Posted at 5-12 23:16
ATTI mode potentially increases risks for the pilot, this is understandable. But the dynamic point home mode, on the contrary, reduces the risk of losing the drone. It’s unclear why they removed it and I think there is hope that it will be returned.
ATTI mode potentially increases risks for the pilot?
So do the joysticks, if you don't know what you are doing.
Perhaps you've not had it to fly with, but for years it was a standard feature on DJI dones.
I don't remember it causing problems for fliers..
But having used atti mode for several years,I know that it"s a very useful tool and I miss it.
If you really thought that it increases risk, it's a simple matter to turn it off.
But if you are concerned about increasing risk, for a whole generation of fliers who can't fly their drone home and rely on the automated RTH feature, a dynamic home point could be the cause of lost drones for users who don't know what they are doing.