 Second Officer
Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States
Flying N of the property I'm way over the 400ft ceiling relative to the launch pad, but relative to ground within even at max altitude of 300 meters set. 1km out, 300 meters altitude. Solid radio and video signal. Dip too low relative to the terrain and behind a bump or too thick a cluster of trees can drop the bars rapidly. Assuming USA and Canadian Avata2 kits are identical? Thinking something is not right. I'm also flying only with the early April firmware updates.
Flying in April and most of May I would hit a "wall" where the video signal would drop from 4 bars into red within a breath. 60 to low single digit MBs of data. Tried to fly through the "wall" at different altitudes. Just above the tree tops to (Claim the 5th) above. Same issue. Couple days ago launched downhill of the orchard located just W. of my property where the "wall" was. No issues. Was able to fly E. back over my property and return W through where the "wall" use to be. Today, flying from my property to over the same orchard. No issues. Solid 4 bars until I dipped too low below the tree tops.
Trail flying is basically over. The foliage and density of the woods limits me couple hundred meters.
Bottomline, the conditions effect signal strength. Conditions change with the seasons and I'm still clueless about the "wall". Initial thought was maybe the wireless internet/cellular phone tower at the top of the ridge beam to the tower a few km S was the "wall". |