Signal loss
638 15 5-16 17:39
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

What's the best setting to avoid signal loss? Auto or manual?

5-16 17:39
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

I am on my 2nd avata2. The first Avata2  flew through about 50 to 60 batteries not one technical issue. Second Avata2. On the first battery I lost visual. The screen froze  RTH started and after 30seconds visual recovered no more issues for the remaining flight... 4th battery second loss of signal.same scenario. In both scenarios the controller control was still functional just visual loss.  Scenario 1. About 300m distance 50m altitude motion controller in N battery levels all suffficient decent line of sight. 2. About 100m distance 30m altitude Remote controller 3 in M. Battery levels all sufficient decent line of sight.    Weird situation in that I have maintained control at much further distances and also loss of gogggles not remote even though signal goes through the goggles.   Thoughts?

Update. Two more loss of signal events today. Goggles froze and RTH activated. The signal strength was indicating full  white bars.
5-16 17:40
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Depends where you are,  some countries you cant change the channel and are stuck on auto.  
5-16 22:44
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

DAFlys Posted at 5-16 22:44
Depends where you are,  some countries you cant change the channel and are stuck on auto.

Definite warranty issue. I just lost goggle transmission when 5m away indoors.  The controller remained connected
5-17 10:32
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1198904 ft
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Always auto unless you really need to be on specific channel due to being a part of large cinema production with very specific equipment on set.

Were you in auto when you lost signal? What's your environment like? If you fly in a building with lots of wifi and bluetooth and other noise, you might have a hard time.
5-17 10:50
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

fichek Posted at 5-17 10:50
Always auto unless you really need to be on specific channel due to being a part of large cinema production with very specific equipment on set.

Were you in auto when you lost signal? What's your environment like? If you fly in a building with lots of wifi and bluetooth and other noise, you might have a hard time.

I have been using auto. This is the second Avata2 The first was damaged and replaced. There were zero issues with the first A2 under identical conditions.
5-17 11:05
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1198904 ft
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Offline Posted at 5-17 11:05
I have been using auto. This is the second Avata2 The first was damaged and replaced. There were zero issues with the first A2 under identical conditions.

Did signal loss always happen in the same location or is it more random? Fingers crossed it's just some really bad RF noise at one location.
5-17 11:18
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

fichek Posted at 5-17 11:18
Did signal loss always happen in the same location or is it more random? Fingers crossed it's just some really bad RF noise at one location.

Several different locations. Including indoors and out. Strange must be a fault in the drone. I am sending it in.

5-17 11:54
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1198904 ft
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Offline Posted at 5-17 11:54
Several different locations. Including indoors and out. Strange must be a fault in the drone. I am sending it in.


Yeah, definitely send it back if that's the case. Sad to see you've had such a bad experience, but I'm sure DJI will take care of it promptly.
5-17 12:04
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom
Offline Posted at 5-17 10:32
Definite warranty issue. I just lost goggle transmission when 5m away indoors.  The controller remained connected

The controller doesn't connect to the drone, it has a bluetooth connection to the goggles and the goggles relay every back and forth to the drone.  
5-17 21:35
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DJI Tony


Hi there. It is recommended to select auto so that the video transmission will automatically switch between different frequency bands and select the channel with the best signal. Have a nice day.
5-17 21:40
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 7399311 ft

Offline Posted at 5-17 11:54
Several different locations. Including indoors and out. Strange must be a fault in the drone. I am sending it in.


This happened to me many times with Avata 1. Distance is not a factor here. Sometimes, the video feed stopped and started even before taking off when the drone is in standby.

It looks like video system reboots from time to time without any reason. It's definitely scary when happens 1st time. Since it's random, I don't believe that DJI service can wait for long enough to catch this event.
5-17 23:22
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

celltx Posted at 5-17 23:22
This happened to me many times with Avata 1. Distance is not a factor here. Sometimes, the video feed stopped and started even before taking off when the drone is in standby.

It looks like video system reboots from time to time without any reason. It's definitely scary when happens 1st time. Since it's random, I don't believe that DJI service can wait for long enough to catch this event.

That’s what I worry about. That they have the patience to work it out.  It is happening on every flight now and I paid  a lot of money. I do expect results.
5-18 06:27
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

DAFlys Posted at 5-17 21:35
The controller doesn't connect to the drone, it has a bluetooth connection to the goggles and the goggles relay every back and forth to the drone.

I understand that. It is a strange situation where the goggles lose picture and freeze go black and then initiate RTH.  Of the 10 or so times it has happened now about half have been in close.  I am able to remove the goggles and fly the drone back to landing visually. With full motion control.
Anyway, it is going back I will see what they figure out.
5-18 06:32
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Flight distance : 4371368 ft

DJI replaced both the avata and goggles. Good service on their part.  However, the replacement shows the same issue. I believe an update is required as the Goggles 3 seem excessively sensitive to radio interference. In my local area I lose signal every flight. I drove about 10 km out of town and lost signal when 200m up at a distance of 500m.  My mini3 has never had an issue in this area or anywhere else..
5-30 07:37
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Flying N of the property I'm way over the 400ft ceiling relative to the launch pad, but relative to ground within even at max altitude of 300 meters set.  1km out, 300 meters altitude. Solid radio and video signal. Dip too low relative to the terrain and behind a bump or too thick a cluster of trees can drop the bars rapidly.  Assuming USA and Canadian Avata2 kits are identical? Thinking something is not right. I'm also flying only with the early April firmware updates.

Flying in April and most of May I would hit a "wall" where the video signal would drop from 4 bars into red within a breath. 60 to low single digit MBs of data. Tried to fly through the "wall" at different altitudes. Just above the tree tops to (Claim the 5th) above.  Same issue. Couple days ago launched downhill of the orchard located just W. of my property where the "wall" was.  No issues. Was able to fly E. back over my property and return W through where the "wall" use to be. Today, flying from my property to over the same orchard.  No issues. Solid 4 bars until I dipped too low below the tree tops.  

Trail flying is basically over. The foliage and density of the woods limits me couple hundred meters.  

Bottomline, the conditions effect signal strength.  Conditions change with the seasons and I'm still clueless about the "wall".  Initial thought was maybe the wireless internet/cellular phone tower at the top of the ridge beam to the tower a few km S was the "wall".
5-30 13:33
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