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Lesson Learned - Intelligent Batteries Storage (Watch-Out)
589 6 5-23 08:25
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Flight distance : 110669 ft
United States

I thought I share this note below from DJI.  I had the misfortune to lose my Intelligent Battery (Mavic 2 Pro) from "over-discharge" damage.  Lately, I dont get the chance to fly often.  Thus -- I safely tucked away my drone for long term storage in a air-tight / water-proof Nanuk Hard Case.  If you read #3 (well ventilated place) -- innocently stowing away the batteries in an air-tight case is a bad mistake.  Just sharing a hard lessoned learned when the DJI Repair Center reported that the Intelligent Battery is no longer good :-(

How to Service a Battery
1. If a battery is not used for 10 days or longer, discharge it to a 40%-65% state of charge (until LED 3 lights up or blinks) for storage.
2. Charge and discharge the battery about every three months to maintain the battery's active materials' good conditions and extend the battery's lifetime. If the battery is stored after completely drained, it may over-discharge and be damaged.
3. Always store an Intelligent Flight Battery in a well-ventilated place.
4. The battery will enter hibernation mode if depleted and stored for an extended period. Recharge the battery to bring it out of hibernation.

Nanuk Case

Nanuk Case
5-23 08:25
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Deep discharge has nothing to do with the fact that the battery is stored in a sealed case.

It is recommended to store them in a well-ventilated area because a defective lithium element can generate gas and cause a lot of smoke even a fire.
Also a lithium element package that is pierced releases an odor similar to that of ether which is very unpleasant and very probably harmful.

Just remember to recharge your batteries from time to time. I do this every 3 months if I'm not using the drone.
5-23 11:25
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Thank you for sharing your experience and the relevant information from our related DJI team. We appreciate your openness in highlighting the importance of proper battery care. It's unfortunate that your battery was affected, and we understand the frustration it caused. May we ask if you have been provided a replacement battery or not? Kindly send the repair case number to us for checking. Thank you for your support and understanding.
5-23 14:53
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 6419718 ft
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United Kingdom

A cautionary tale, thankyou.  So far, I've suffered no such deterioration of my Mavic 2 Zoom batteries, nor my later Mini3Pro ones.
5-26 10:21
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Flight distance : 110669 ft
United States

Blériot53 Posted at 5-26 10:21
A cautionary tale, thankyou.  So far, I've suffered no such deterioration of my Mavic 2 Zoom batteries, nor my later Mini3Pro ones.

LV-Forestry made several good points.  It was my bad to neglect the batteries over the long-haul.   I was just a tad bit dumbfounded
5-26 11:28
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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Thanks for the tips.
6-14 12:00
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
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United States

Great reminder.  Thanks for sharing.
6-22 08:27
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