Flight distance : 222418 ft
djiuser_XmNyBDqKoSUo Posted at 6-10 10:36
What a ignorant thing to say, Trump is the best president, we've had in the last century. You're brainwashed by the MSM. Living under Trump our country & economy, was absolutely booming. 1.4% inflation rates, sub $2 a gallon gas prices, $2.50 a gallon of milk, secured national borders, strengthend Military. Under Biden its been a nightmare, 10% inflation rates, $4.50+ a gallon gas prices, wide open borders, with 10,000 + illegal immigrants entering our country daily, Food prices are absolutely astronomical
over $5 for a gallon of milk. I can't wate for Trump to get reelected, Trump 2024 baby. FJB
Donald ”orangeface” Trump is just a clown - and, everything you said that was attcheived by Trump was pure luck, not skills…
Even USA is affected by the international finance rollercoster journey, that mean that inflation rates depends much on foreign economies…
Hopefully Trump-ass will visit the jail for some years - he’s a criminal… |