Had some test runs now, and done some observations. Didn't get the feel of the official Tello app (at least yet), tested TelloFPV and seems to be a great option. Cost a little, but I do think it's worth it. Started by flying inside, and my flights have been a mixed bag. Have crashed quite many times, luckily not from that high and haven't broken anything. Seems to be quite prone to interference and air currents. Gave up with the Xbox Series X controller as the Bluetooth makes the interference worse and there was no way to connect with just the USB-C cable. Got myself an 8BitDo Pro 2 controller and that seems to fit the bill after some initial hassle. FPV flying feels quite hard. Would like to hone my skills more with it to get it perfected, but probably safer to fly with direct VLOS (and not even sure if FPV flying is allowed in Finland anywhere outside in public). One negative thing is that the Tello seems to have some overheating issues occasionally. But it could be my apartment, it is pretty hot inside here.
At least, if I make it accidentally crash and burn, then I at least haven't wasted that much money on it But the practising keeps on continuing, maybe I can master it one day |