Flight distance : 105955 ft
United States
fichek Posted at 6-8 11:24
Am I the only one who has no idea what is being asked for here? Artificial horizon would make no sense in N/S as your camera doesn't tilt itself so horizon is always at the same spot. And what does that have to do with accelerating forward or backward and how can you be that unaware of your flight operation?
I don't need this but what they're asking for an artificial horizon that indicates the horizon's position relative to the drone body, not to the camera view. Let's say you take off in manual mode with camera tilt at 0 degrees. As long as you keep the horizon centered vertically you know you're generally flying neither forward nor backwards. If horizon goes upwards in view you know you're tipped forward and thus flying forward through the air.
But now tilt the camera down 30 degrees to look down a bit. The horizon moves upward in view but not because you're flying forwards. If you mess with the camera tilt, particularly in the downward direction while flying slowly it can be very hard to tell if you're holding position or actually flying backwards. It can be extremely disorienting in fact.
Thus they want an AHI that indicates horizon relative to drone so if it is centered you know you're stationary.. above center, flying forward, etc. Regardless of whether you're looking up or down.
Personally I think if you're going to mess with camera tilt (especially downward) it's better to fly with the MC3 and head tracker and then you *always* know when you're flying forward or backwards, and you can look down or up or to the side at will. |