Flight distance : 19449 ft
United States
Hello, same issue here on Canon R5. OUT does not work randomly, but headhpone jack does... Obviously an issue with the unit, what I cannot tell is if its firmware or connection hardware related inside the jack?? I'm using the DJI stereo audio cable provided, just like @Stiflo video above. Same exact results. Only purchased a few months ago, used under 10 times.
wondering if this is a pattern?? - Are we all, who is having this issue, using the feature that auto turns the receiver on/off? @DJI is there anything that could be zapping the jacks internals/chip with how the camera would have to send power/signal to the receiver to let it know if it turns on/off? ie, wonder if anyone NOT using that feature is having issue???
@DJI is there a solve??