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Safety Survey
968 2 2015-9-16
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bob cooper

United States

I would like your help.  Safety is my number one issue with drones. Last year I was learning to fly my  Parrot AR. Drone that I had fitted with carbon fiber blades.  I was doing a simple take off and landing in the living room to impress a friend.  I was hovering and accidentally hit the "Home" button. Instead of a soft landing the AR Drone took off from a distance of about 10' from me and came right at my face.  As I was trying to deflect it, the carbon fiber blade put a gash on my left eye, just missing my eyeball.  I don't know about you, but that really soured my experience and nearly put out my eye.
I had every intention of taking the money I had saved to start a Real Estate Photography company.  Instead I became afraid of the drone. A friend purchased a Phantom from DJI and had a very similar experience on his very first flight.
Oddly enough I became so fascinated with the industry that started to look for solutions to the danger of any multi-rotor with plastic or carbon fiber blades.  I came up with what I affectionately call DroneKone.  It is complete and substantial propeller protection to help make drones safer.
I started a small company with my limited funds and developed a model of my concept.  I was able to get a provisional patent on my safety device.  Then I had a devastating life event and was out of action for a year.  I have recovered.  I don't have any funding at this point except out of my pocket and started seeking funding. I was told by a potential investor that I needed to survey 100 people to find out if my product is market worthy.
Okay enough story.  Simple Survey for Safety:
  • Yes or No  Are you concerned about drones flying around Children?
  • Yes or No  Do you have a concern about your personal safety when flying a drone?
  • Yes or No  If a safety device was available would you consider purchasing it?
  • What would a safety device look like to you if you could design one?
  •                  How much would you pay for a safety cage if one was available when you purchase your drone.
I greatly appreciate you reading this far and ask for help.  If this is just plain stupid, then I would like to know that now, before I spend any money on moving further.
Thank you so much for listening.  I am grateful to be a small part of this awesome community.

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bob cooper

United States

Let me know what you think!
of my new website

I could really use some input.  Is this a good idea, a so so idea, or just plain old crap filling up the internet.

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Second Officer

United States

I replied in your other thread.
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