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DJI Drone Ban
448 6 6-24 18:35
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Recently I heard about a new law coming into effect about banning DJI drones in the United States. Does anyone know any specifics about how this will affect current drone useres?
6-24 18:35
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
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United States

Too early to tell as the bill is still in the Senate.  The amendment that could effect DJI is attached to a must pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  Senate could pull the amendment off or modify it and then the NDAA would have to before a committee of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  It doesn't seem like the Senate is currently in a hurry on this bill so it could be weeks or even a month before we see what is finally passed and then it will require the signature of the President to become law.  
6-25 13:03
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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It's not sure yet what the effect will be.
6-26 00:00
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Flight distance : 1994426 ft


DowntownRDB Posted at 6-25 13:03
Too early to tell as the bill is still in the Senate.  The amendment that could effect DJI is attached to a must pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  Senate could pull the amendment off or modify it and then the NDAA would have to before a committee of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  It doesn't seem like the Senate is currently in a hurry on this bill so it could be weeks or even a month before we see what is finally passed and then it will require the signature of the President to become law.

hopefully it works out in our favor
6-26 09:26
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
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United States

Deronlevy Posted at 6-26 09:26
hopefully it works out in our favor

I certainly hope so.  
6-27 02:16
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DowntownRDB Posted at 6-25 13:03
Too early to tell as the bill is still in the Senate.  The amendment that could effect DJI is attached to a must pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  Senate could pull the amendment off or modify it and then the NDAA would have to before a committee of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  It doesn't seem like the Senate is currently in a hurry on this bill so it could be weeks or even a month before we see what is finally passed and then it will require the signature of the President to become law.

we'll just have to wait and see..
6-27 19:28
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
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United States

Mercury724 Posted at 6-27 19:28
we'll just have to wait and see..

Kind of reminds me of being back in the Navy.  "Hurry up, and wait".  
6-28 09:23
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