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I3 Future x10 Gimbal Camera Checklist
371 6 6-25 08:26
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United States

This is a Wishlist directed at the DJI INSPIRE ENGINEERS regarding the Construction and Engineering of the Next Generation I3 gimbal camera refresh.
We must first note the Failures and Shortcomings of the X9-8K Air

1. Unuseable Rolling Shutter for 30 fps and less
2. The X9-8K Air is too suseptable to blowing out or overexposing footage when its too sunny and bright for even a 4 stop or 16 ND filter! You generally have to use a 5 or 6 stop to avoid this and that is completely unacceptable.  There's Nothing worse then trying to color correct this blown out footage (green water and skies too blown out to retain detail)
3. No continuous autofocus tracking - if this is too dificult for current technology then at least give us some basic autofocus options (attempting to tap the screen while the drone is moving is completely unacceptable especially for a solo pilot)

Wishlist for the x10 (please don't push out an unfinished product, just get it right this time)

1. Improved Rolling shutter for all framerates including 24-30 fps
2. Better at handling bright daylight scenarios without blowing out even a 4 stop ND filter (we all know it already handles low light scenarious real well)
3. For the love of God! Continuous Autofocus Tracking or at least... Improved auto-focus making flying the I3 more user friendly for SOLO PILOTS

4. And of course the same thing that happens with every inspire gimbal camera refresh...

Improved quality, it doesn't necessarily have to offer 10k but improved 8K noticeable difference from the x9

am I missing anything fellow I3 pilots?

6-25 08:26
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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AEB, Burst... normal photo modes
6-25 21:59
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DJI Natalia

Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments. Thank you for your support and understanding.  

If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
6-26 20:26
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DJI Natalia

Skyris Posted at 6-25 21:59
AEB, Burst... normal photo modes

Hi there,

Thank You for your feedback, we will forward this information to the relevant team for evaluation.
If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
6-26 20:27
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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There was a poll July last year where AEB was at the top of the most requested item... almost 1 year in and its still not available, you can forward this on to the relevant team as much as you want but no one is listening.. ... D919%26typeid%3D919
6-27 12:10
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DJI Natalia

Skyris Posted at 6-27 12:10
There was a poll July last year where AEB was at the top of the most requested item... almost 1 year in and its still not available, you can forward this on to the relevant team as much as you want but no one is listening..

Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Please rest assured that we have forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments. Thank you for your support and understanding.  
6-28 01:05
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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DJI Natalia Posted at 6-28 01:05
Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Please rest assured that we have forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments. Thank you for your support and understanding.

ha ha yeah right!
6-28 19:56
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