DJI Mini 4 Pro - Precison landing failing
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581 56 6-28 09:26
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

I have testet this before in the same location with good result, but this time the drone missed quite a lot on it's landing spot.

I see in both incidents that waypoints are turned on, but anyway, RTH was engaged, but failed quite bad in doing precision landing. If it only relies on GPS, I can understand it, but I am interested to see if anyone can spot any mistakes I may have done.

In between the first takeoff and landing, I used quite a lot of time practising Waypoints in small areas (not a good solution, but that's why I am testing on a secure ground), but I guess I flew about 20 minutes before landing.

In between the first takeoff and landing, I used quite a lot of time practising precision manuevring in tight areas to be better in such situations, andI guess I flew about 20 minutes before landing here as well.

Any suggestions are welcome.

PS. I cannot find where to upload the video. Please advice me. (added the video to YouTube and the link is:
6-28 09:26
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DJI Susan

Hello, the aircraft can execute Smart RTH with a good GPS signal, achieving meter-level RTH accuracy. However, landing position deviation may occur due to ambient light and signal strength. The extent of such deviation is related to the flying environment, and it is important to remain conscious of the landing environment.
6-28 20:05
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 6-28 20:05
Hello, the aircraft can execute Smart RTH with a good GPS signal, achieving meter-level RTH accuracy. However, landing position deviation may occur due to ambient light and signal strength. The extent of such deviation is related to the flying environment, and it is important to remain conscious of the landing environment.

Hi Susan,
My point here is that I have followed the procedure told me bu Natalia (and described in the user manual.  I have raised the drone vertically to more than 7 meters (to assure that a good picture will be taken of the takeoff spot). I also made sure that the takeoff spot was at a a position with distinct features.

If I do not adhere to above condition, I realise that a GPS landing not necessarily will be accurate, and that is why I did this retest, just to ensure that the two previous successful tests was a coincidence.

By the way, I always follow closely at any landing to make sure the drone lands where I want (or I perform a hand landing (that often is to prefer in many of the places I fly).
6-29 00:30
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 6-29 00:30
Hi Susan,
My point here is that I have followed the procedure told me bu Natalia (and described in the user manual.  I have raised the drone vertically to more than 7 meters (to assure that a good picture will be taken of the takeoff spot). I also made sure that the takeoff spot was at a a position with distinct features.

Hello.Precision Landing is an upgraded version of GPS RTH. To achieve precision landing, the following conditions must be met:
1. It needs a GPS signal strong enough to initiate Precision Landing so that the aircraft can be navigated back to the vicinity of the take-off point.
2. Then, the aircraft needs to be able to visually recognize the pattern of the ground it took off from, for example, cracks or other identifiable patterns. A uniform patch of sand, however, is not suitable for Precision Landing.
3. Finally, the aircraft needs to capture footage of the ground during take-off to record its appearance. This means that you should give the aircraft sufficient time during its ascent and fly up to around 10m above your takeoff point, instead of flying away immediately after take-off.
6-29 00:55
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Hi again,

The point I have tried to make (and that you can see, looking at the video), is that all the conditions you mentioned were made.  It does seem like you haven't looked at the footage. After a previous reply from Natalia, I followed these instructions and had two successful precision landings, but this time, I was quite far off (to expected if precision landing conditions are not met, but that was not the case here).  Please look at the footage to see if the screen recording can tell you something I may have missed.
6-29 01:20
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 6-29 01:20
Hi again,

The point I have tried to make (and that you can see, looking at the video), is that all the conditions you mentioned were made.  It does seem like you haven't looked at the footage. After a previous reply from Natalia, I followed these instructions and had two successful precision landings, but this time, I was quite far off (to expected if precision landing conditions are not met, but that was not the case here).  Please look at the footage to see if the screen recording can tell you something I may have missed.

Hello. Please provide us with the following information, we need further analysis
(1) Collect the distance between the RTH landing position and the takeoff point.
(2) Collect video footage showing the flying environment, operations, and issue.
(3) Please synchronize the flight records and report the DJI account and flight time. (You can provide us your account number via private message)
6-29 02:00
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

I am a little puzzled.  Are you not able to see the footage I provided at the beginning of this tread? There you should clearly see both the surroundings and both takeoff and landing (I have cut what happened between, I have cut, but I can of course provide the full length of both screen recordings if required.
The reason why I brought this forward was that the last test was quite successful, but on this occasion the mis was 1-2 meters (as you can see in the footage provided). This is a screen recording and no filming were done and hence no flight record were done (as no drone filming were done, only screen recording, because I was only out training, not filming).
The time between takeoff and landing in both incidents were approximately 20 minutes.
As you may understand, I will not provide any account number in this thread.
6-29 02:35
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 6-29 02:35
I am a little puzzled.  Are you not able to see the footage I provided at the beginning of this tread? There you should clearly see both the surroundings and both takeoff and landing (I have cut what happened between, I have cut, but I can of course provide the full length of both screen recordings if required.
The reason why I brought this forward was that the last test was quite successful, but on this occasion the mis was 1-2 meters (as you can see in the footage provided). This is a screen recording and no filming were done and hence no flight record were done (as no drone filming were done, only screen recording, because I was only out training, not filming).
The time between takeoff and landing in both incidents were approximately 20 minutes.

Hello, please provide the full length of both screen recordings. You may save it through a shareable link like Google Drive and DropBox, then send the link here. We will check this further for you.
6-29 22:59
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

I have now uploaded the two screen recordings on google and shared the folder.  You can access the files at It may be that you have to ask for access (depending of your account). Please then just send the request, and I will approve it.Folder with the two sreen recordings
6-30 00:09
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 6-30 00:09
I have now uploaded the two screen recordings on google and shared the folder.  You can access the files at It may be that you have to ask for access (depending of your account). Please then just send the request, and I will approve it.Folder with the two sreen recordings

Hello.Thank you for the information provided. We forwarded it to our relevant team and will follow up with them. Once we get the results, we will keep you updated soon.
6-30 03:43
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 6-29 02:35
I am a little puzzled.  Are you not able to see the footage I provided at the beginning of this tread? There you should clearly see both the surroundings and both takeoff and landing (I have cut what happened between, I have cut, but I can of course provide the full length of both screen recordings if required.
The reason why I brought this forward was that the last test was quite successful, but on this occasion the mis was 1-2 meters (as you can see in the footage provided). This is a screen recording and no filming were done and hence no flight record were done (as no drone filming were done, only screen recording, because I was only out training, not filming).
The time between takeoff and landing in both incidents were approximately 20 minutes.

This is a screen recording and no filming were done and hence no flight record were done
You will need to provide DJI with a flight log to investigate the situation. It is always going on.
6-30 10:26
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

As long as I only did a screen recording, where would I find the flight log?
7-1 00:21
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-1 00:21
As long as I only did a screen recording, where would I find the flight log?

Look at here
7-1 00:36
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Thank you very much.  Does this mean that the flight log are available regardless of if you record anything at all?
If so, will it be deleted at some point (to avoid filling up the memory)?
Furthermore, I am not using the app on the phone, but use the RC2.  Is the flight log stored in the RC2 or the Mini 4 Pro? - I belive I found the answer, it should be in the RC2.
(I will anyway investigate after finishing flying today).
7-1 00:48
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-1 00:48
Thank you very much.  Does this mean that the flight log are available regardless of if you record anything at all?
If so, will it be deleted at some point (to avoid filling up the memory)?
Furthermore, I am not using the app on the phone, but use the RC2.  Is the flight log stored in the RC2 or the Mini 4 Pro? - I belive I found the answer, it should be in the RC2.

Look at here ... ote-controller/7756

Yes, a flight log is always written, it is a “black box”. In fact, several logs are written, including on the drone itself.
7-1 00:57
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Serg SSA Posted at 7-1 00:57
Look at here

Yes, a flight log is always written, it is a “black box”. In fact, several logs are written, including on the drone itself.

Thank you,
I found them, but definitely not where described in the link you provided.  I ended up searching for "DJIflight" and looked up folder location.
The folder location is: \DJI RC 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord\si_cache
Thank you anyway, because that gave some direction where to find them :-)PS. Got a little unsure now, because there are flight records in \DJI RC 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord too, and these are only txt-files. the others are txt-files with "_###" (number).
I guess it is the plain txt-files that are correct?
7-1 08:20
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 6-30 03:43
Hello.Thank you for the information provided. We forwarded it to our relevant team and will follow up with them. Once we get the results, we will keep you updated soon.

Hi Susan,
Serg SSA gave me some hints where to find the flight log, and I belive I found the correct ones :-).
I will attach both - or that is, I am not allowed to do so (even after zipping it).

Iinstead, I loaded the zip file to Google disk into a new folder I called To DJI. I shared it with this link: ... LCkbVEX?usp=sharing

7-1 08:40
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-1 08:20
Thank you,
I found them, but definitely not where described in the link you provided.  I ended up searching for "DJIflight" and looked up folder location.
The folder location is: \DJI RC 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord\si_cache

I gave you a link to a page where the directories with files are indicated) ... ote-controller/7756

look here Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord
Files in text format
7-1 10:18
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Probably me just looking at the wrong place in the link you sent me.  anyhow, thanks to you, I found them
7-1 13:33
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 6-30 00:09
I have now uploaded the two screen recordings on google and shared the folder.  You can access the files at It may be that you have to ask for access (depending of your account). Please then just send the request, and I will approve it.Folder with the two sreen recordings

Hello. We have forwarded the video you provided to our engineers for analysis, and no abnormalities have been found so far. The following information needs to be collected for further analysis:
1. Aircraft log, the time point of precision landing failure(You may save it through a shareable link like Google Drive and DropBox, then send the link here.
2. Synchronize the flight records of the precision landing failure, and submit the corresponding simplified logs in DJI FLY
3. How did you confirm the deviation of 1-2 meters?

Find the Log Upload function entrance
Choose “Service” - “Support” - “Log Upload” to enter the log upload page.
Fill in and submit

1. Please select the date of Occurrence, and then select the desired “Flight Record” and “App Log”. (It is recommended to select all flight records.)
2. Please fill in the issue description, specifying when the issue occurred, how it occurred, and what the outcomes were.
3. If there are any relevant screenshots or screen recordings related to the issue, please upload them together.
4. After completing all the content, please tap the “Submit” button to upload.
Submitted successfully

After uploading successfully, please take a screenshot or photo of the successful submission page and send it to us for further assistance.
7-1 22:32
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-1 13:33
Probably me just looking at the wrong place in the link you sent me.  anyhow, thanks to you, I found them

7-2 00:04
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 7-1 22:32
Hello. We have forwarded the video you provided to our engineers for analysis, and no abnormalities have been found so far. The following information needs to be collected for further analysis:
1. Aircraft log, the time point of precision landing failure(You may save it through a shareable link like Google Drive and DropBox, then send the link here. )
2. Synchronize the flight records of the precision landing failure, and submit the corresponding simplified logs in DJI FLY

Hi Susan,
Now I am a little confused. Have you looked at the first video I provided? If you need evidence of distance, please do so.
I have already sent the first video (very short, showing both takeoffs and landings - where it is quite easy to establish the distance from landing to where it took off). In addition to this, I have also sent the full screen recording of both flights, and yesterday, I sent you the two flight records for that day.Furthermore, on My RC 2, there is no choice of "Log Upload" (see enclosed picture).
To me, this is not critical, I just wnat to know what to expect, and alway pay attention when landing and abort if the drone does not land at its takeoff position.

P.S. I had a reasonable long flying session yesterday, and this time, the landing was spot on.
7-2 01:27
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 7-2 01:27
Hi Susan,
Now I am a little confused. Have you looked at the first video I provided? If you need evidence of distance, please do so.
I have already sent the first video (very short, showing both takeoffs and landings - where it is quite easy to establish the distance from landing to where it took off). In addition to this, I have also sent the full screen recording of both flights, and yesterday, I sent you the two flight records for that day.Furthermore, on My RC 2, there is no choice of "Log Upload" (see enclosed picture).

Hello. You need to update the DJI Fly APP to the latest version to enable the log upload function. We are glad to hear that your recent flight was successful with a precise landing. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, do not hesitate to reach out.
7-2 01:57
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Thank you for informing me about the update (actually update to both drone and RC controller). Both are now up to date.
furthermore, and by coincidence (looking for information about my flight time), I also found the flight recording sessions on the RC 2, and at the same time ticked off for allowing DJI to review my flight records.
I guess this will make it easier for you (by the way, the only time I return to home is at the end of each session 23. of June). Are you able to access these now, or do you need more from me?
7-2 02:33
Use props
DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 7-2 02:33
Thank you for informing me about the update (actually update to both drone and RC controller). Both are now up to date.
furthermore, and by coincidence (looking for information about my flight time), I also found the flight recording sessions on the RC 2, and at the same time ticked off for allowing DJI to review my flight records.
I guess this will make it easier for you (by the way, the only time I return to home is at the end of each session 23. of June). Are you able to access these now, or do you need more from me?

Hello. The following information needs to be collected for further analysis:
1. Aircraft log, the time point of precision landing failure(You may save it through a shareable link like Google Drive and DropBox, then send the link here. )
2. Synchronize the flight records of the precision landing failure, and submit the corresponding simplified logs in DJI FLY
3. How did you confirm the deviation of 1-2 meters?
If you have synchronized flight records, please provide your DJI account via private message and we will do further check for you.
7-4 00:16
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 7-4 00:16
Hello. The following information needs to be collected for further analysis:
1. Aircraft log, the time point of precision landing failure(You may save it through a shareable link like Google Drive and DropBox, then send the link here. )
2. Synchronize the flight records of the precision landing failure, and submit the corresponding simplified logs in DJI FLY

Hi Susan,
1. You should have access to my log (I did at least allowed it).
2. How would I synchronise the flight records as you describe?
3. I have already given you that information. You can clearly see the distance comparing the takeoff to the landing in the first short video I sent you.
4. How can I provide my DJI account detail in a private message. How can I send a private message to DJI.
PS. Are you reading my messages at all, or just copying your earlier questions? I have already shared the flight records with you (and to repeat; ... LCkbVEX?usp=sharing). In this folder, you will find both flight records.  It may be that you are requested to ask for permission to the access, but just do so, and I will grant it.

Please read what I have been writing to you, as this conversation otherwise will become ridicilus.

7-4 03:04
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-4 03:04
Hi Susan,
1. You should have access to my log (I did at least allowed it).
2. How would I synchronise the flight records as you describe?

Are you reading my messages at all, or just copying your earlier questions?

Administrators are not real people, but ordinary bots with AI, it’s funny to read their messages)
7-4 04:33
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

Serg SSA Posted at 7-4 04:33
Are you reading my messages at all, or just copying your earlier questions?

Administrators are not real people, but ordinary bots with AI, it’s funny to read their messages)

That makes sense (because messages from them does not
7-4 04:58
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 7-4 03:04
Hi Susan,
1. You should have access to my log (I did at least allowed it).
2. How would I synchronise the flight records as you describe?

1. We have applied for permission for the link you provided, please agree.
2. For syncing flight records, you can refer to step 23 #
3. We have contacted you to provide your DJI account, please check it carefully
4. We have carefully read your information, but the link you provided is invalid and we cannot open it, so we ask you to provide it again. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
7-4 19:00
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DJI Susan

Serg SSA Posted at 7-4 04:33
Are you reading my messages at all, or just copying your earlier questions?

Administrators are not real people, but ordinary bots with AI, it’s funny to read their messages)

Hi,there. We are sorry for the misunderstanding. Please rest assured that we are not robots and we will do our best to help you solve the problem. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. Thank you for your understanding and support.
7-4 19:06
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 7-4 19:00
1. We have applied for permission for the link you provided, please agree.
2. For syncing flight records, you can refer to step 23 #

Hi Susan,

This morning I got a request (from to gain access to the shared folder (as I described yup might have to do). I have granted access. I am therefore unsure what link you are referring to.

I have also supplied you with my DJI account user name (and e-mail address).

You are referring to step 23# for instructions how to  sync the flight records.  I guess you mean step #23, but where do I find step number 23??

I can also inform you that I did yet another very successful precision landing and have both a good screen recording of the landing and how the drone adjust the landing position on the way down.  I also have a video of the drone itself just when the camera turns horisontal, showing how accurate the landing is. This means that there might me a possibility that I may have done something incorrect on the failed landings, but still there may also be an error that is worth looking at.
7-4 23:55
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 7-4 23:55
Hi Susan,

This morning I got a request (from ) to gain access to the shared folder (as I described yup might have to do). I have granted access. I am therefore unsure what link you are referring to.

Hello. Thank you for granting access rights, we have been able to view it.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, you can upload the log by following the steps below:
Find the Log Upload function entrance
Choose “Service” - “Support” - “Log Upload” to enter the log upload page.
Fill in and submit

1. Please select the date of Occurrence, and then select the desired “Flight Record” and “App Log”. (It is recommended to select all flight records.)
2. Please fill in the issue description, specifying when the issue occurred, how it occurred, and what the outcomes were.
3. If there are any relevant screenshots or screen recordings related to the issue, please upload them together.
4. After completing all the content, please tap the “Submit” button to upload.
Submitted successfully

After uploading successfully, please take a screenshot or photo of the successful submission page and send it to us for further assistance.
We are glad to hear that you have successfully precision landed again. Regarding the reason for your failed precision landing, we need to verify with the engineering team.  Once we get the results, we will keep you updated soon. Thank you for your understanding and support.
7-5 00:25
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Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 7-5 00:25
Hello. Thank you for granting access rights, we have been able to view it.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, you can upload the log by following the steps below:
Find the Log Upload function entrance

I will look into this tomorrow and see if I am able to figure it out.

In the meantime, I have created a video showing how the use of Precision Landing makes the drone adjust it's landing position when it seems like the GPS Home point is not accurate. You may se this here:
7-5 12:41
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DJI Susan

fgange57 Posted at 7-5 12:41
I will look into this tomorrow and see if I am able to figure it out.

In the meantime, I have created a video showing how the use of Precision Landing makes the drone adjust it's landing position when it seems like the GPS Home point is not accurate. You may se this here:

Thank you for your positive response and video. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
7-5 18:58
Use props
Flight distance : 182280 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 7-5 18:58
Thank you for your positive response and video. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Hi Susan,

I have now done the upload and I clicked on screen shot. The QR code and all other information was then gone and I understood my task to be finished, but I am not able to find the screen shot on the RC 2. Was I meant to use the screen shot function (same place as the recording function), or should I taken a screen shot of it with my phone?

Anyhow , the log is now updated.  Please inform me if I have to do it once again.
7-6 03:40
Use props
Flight distance : 182280 ft

Since I was told where to find my flight records, I also found out how to view them and where the messages would pop up.  

On my first flight, I can see that there is a message saying Auto return to home, but here is where the drone missing the landing spot the most.

On the second flight (without landing pad),  I cannot see any message of returning home (even if I did not the return the drone myself, it did automatically do so - and on the screen recording, you can hear me pressing the return to Home - confirming beeping sound).  Perhaps because the drone was so low?

I have also used the PhantomHelp Log Viewer to look at the two flight logs.  What I find is the following:

First flight:
Home Point Updated 0m 3s - IMU Altitude 1,3ft - VPS Altitude 1,6ft - Home distance 0,4ft
Home Point Updated again (code 3000001) 0m 4s - IMU Altitude 3ft - VPS Altitude 3,3ft - Home distance 0,5ft
Flight mode changed to Auto landing - 20m 8,1s - IMU Altitude 30,8ft - VPS Altitude 48,6ft - Home distance 10,3ft
Flight mode changed to Confirm landing - 20m 26,8s - IMU Altitude 6,2ft - VPS Altitude 1,6ft - Home distance 10,4ft
The flight log ends at 20m 29,3s - IMU Altitude 4,9ft - VPS Altitude 0,3ft - Home distance 10,3ft

Second flight:
Home Point Updated 0m 2,8s - IMU Altitude 1,0ft - VPS Altitude 1,3ft - Home distance 0,2ft
Flight mode changed to Auto landing - 19m 52,9s - IMU Altitude 56,1ft - VPS Altitude N/A - Home distance 0,1ft
The flight log ends at 20m 20,9s - IMU Altitude 4,6ft - VPS Altitude 0,3ft - Home distance 2,8ft
If I understand correct, the VPS altitude will be N/A if the drone is too high and that is the hight that probably will be the most correct one when close to the ground.

I hope this may be of help.
7-6 04:34
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
  • >>>

fgange57 Posted at 7-6 04:34
Since I was told where to find my flight records, I also found out how to view them and where the messages would pop up.  

On my first flight, I can see that there is a message saying Auto return to home, but here is where the drone missing the landing spot the most.

Perhaps because the drone was so low?

You need to start reading the instructions, there is information there that you are trying to guess about))) It is much more effective to get information from the instructions.
7-6 12:01
Use props
Flight distance : 182280 ft

Serg SSA Posted at 7-6 12:01
Perhaps because the drone was so low?

You need to start reading the instructions, there is information there that you are trying to guess about))) It is much more effective to get information from the instructions.

No need to be that negative.  I am just providing details being asked for!
7-7 00:16
Use props
Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 7221378 ft
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fgange57 Posted at 7-7 00:16
No need to be that negative.  I am just providing details being asked for!

Negative? I don’t understand why... I gave you the right advice - the answers to all your questions are in the instructions. No need to be offended, reading the instructions is always useful)
7-7 01:11
Use props
Flight distance : 182280 ft

Serg SSA Posted at 7-6 12:01
Perhaps because the drone was so low?

You need to start reading the instructions, there is information there that you are trying to guess about))) It is much more effective to get information from the instructions.

Due to your rather harsh feedback, I have reread (and search trough) the user manual (the latest version I have been able to obtain). The only thing mentioned regarding RTH and distance that may be relevant is the the drone will start landing immediately when closer than 5m to the Home point (it does not say that it will not return to the home point, and it does not say if this applies to both horisontal and vertical distance). In any case the flight record shows that the drone is more than high enough to start a normal RTH (but it didn't seem to do so), but for some strange reason, the second flight record shows that the drone think that it's really close to the Home point (even if it is not).
Why not refer to where you have found it? (And why do you assume I haven't read it? I may not be as perfect as you and may miss some information, but I alway read the user manuals for anything I purchase).  An English friend once told me: "Don't assume, because then you make an ass out of both you and me", so please do not assume anything.
7-7 02:33
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